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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023

  • I agree that most people won’t care but take issue with calling them “dumb”. Everyone has a limited amount of time on this planet to build skills and chase hobbies. A lot of people on this site have tech-related jobs and hobbies, so of course this matters to us. I might expect someone who buys pre-built gaming PCs to keep this on their radar, but the vast majority of folks who use computers as email and social media machines, including those who only use it for data entry type jobs, have little reason to care about the specifics of their CPU or any other single component of their computer. If their computer breaks, that’s annoying, but that’s life. They’ll spend the same amount on a new laptop as we might spend on a new CPU and get on with their day.

    I don’t know what brand of spark plugs are in my car, and maybe a mechanic or car enthusiast would find that dumb. But hey, I’m too busy caring about my CPU to spend time worrying about my car unless it breaks.

  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine feels that way to me. Not that I think it’s a particularly bad show, but I definitely feel like the memes spawned from it already contain the funniest parts of the show. The actual content of each episode is kinda predictable with the protagonist learning stone sort of lesson.

    Also I so desperately wanted to get into Bojack Horseman because I love animation, puns, and to cry while watching shows. The memes showed so many really deep and interesting moments, but by the end of the third season, I just couldn’t stand to watch Bojack learn a lesson only to revert to being a complete asshole an episode later. I get that’s kind of the point, but it was more infuriating than engaging.

  • I hate how a lot of settings pages have stopped adding save/apply buttons, especially when they don’t provide any indication that your changes are being saved after each modification. Like do I just close this window? What if I want to cancel the changes?

    Also more sites seem to be adding these reactive-only search bars that dynamically fetch results as you type. Looks cool I suppose, but it’s a huge pain in the ass when I want to add a search shortcut in Firefox and can’t because they don’t actually have a search URL.