You could set up your own cloud, yes, but you could also use only ‘client’ devices, without ever having an off-site computer in the network.
You could set up your own cloud, yes, but you could also use only ‘client’ devices, without ever having an off-site computer in the network.
I like hiding votes until you’ve voted. Allowing users, communities, or instances to change how posts/comments are sorted might help too.
You can’t find a single example from r/Overwatch? You’re not looking very hard then:
“Jump scare at the end of POG” “Supports almost never get POG, now we don’t even get a card at the end of the match.” “First POG is match POG” “We want to talk after the PoG” “This guy’s whole team left after the first round so we gave him POG…” “Behind every Rein Pog is a support going through a rollercoaster of emotions” “I remember when PoG was tweaked for assist points and every pog was Mercy rezzing two people and dying.” “My friends and I have always called it POG. Not sure why but its what we do. I guess thats where it came from”
In fact, the large majority of the use of “pog” refers to Play Of Game and not hype. I did notice that this usage is more common in the last 4 years, while pogchamp is mostly used 4-7 years ago. The earliest upvoted usage of POG I can find there is “Taking Trobjorn and Bastion POG into a new dimension.” from 8 years ago though, so it was used contemporaneously with PogChamp.
POTG is definitely much more popular there, but saying the POG usage doesn’t exists is just wrong.
Also, news organizations have a horrendous record with slang, that’s terrible evidence. Especially when your source is a 404.
Besides, I can get spurious souces too (and they work!):
“POG” an overused term on twitch that means “Play of Game” Woah, that was pog. by SSR Rules September 23, 2020
Hmm, so I learned of pog in 2016 when my friends were into Overwatch, and pog was definitely used as an acronym from Play Of the Game (POTG is very clunky to say).
However, the PogChamp usage is from 2011, so the play of the game usage is either coincidental or an intentional decision on the part of Blizzard/Activision.
Most importantly, the POG in PogChamp does actually refer to the beverage disks. Weirdly enough, they were just a prop in an awkwardly acted ad for a gaming peripheral by a professional Street Fighter player/streamer. The actual usage of PogChamp probably started on 4Chan before appearing on Twitch, after which it spread.
Is it really pogs that started this and not “Play Of the Game”?
I’d guess Pipi Longstocking.
But have they tried a babbon heart?
Ooo, does that have something to do with how moving your arms like that flexes muscles around your throat? Is this an autonomic process like flexibg the timpani muscle when chewing?
How about “Your brain and body are often predictable, more than most people realize”?
You underestimate how little people think when purchasing things. None of this would be a problem if everyone looked at the price per 100g first, but ooo 3 $5… And then the size reduction usually goes alongside a packaging change, like jumbo or family size; “New look, same great taste!”. It’s all a distraction, out of sight, out of mind and all that.
Also, the 330ml cans are taller, and because of the square-cube law they only need to be a little skinnier to be smaller. They’re also not usually displayed next to the normal 355ml cans. Out of sight…
Also, who is going to laude a big corp product for a logistics change in the first place? I barely see anyone complaining about shrinkflation for packaging reasons as it is. I’d see a better slack fill level on one product and think, “This must be old stock” or “This is the last time we’ll get bags this dense”.
They’re also incentivized to keep the same size packaging (both for logistical and public perveption reasons) and ship less product in those packages. People are willing to pay $6 for a big bag of chips, despite the big bag weighing 150g less than the normal bag 5 years ago.
They don’t get paid by the gram, they get paid by the bag. A bigger bag looks more impressive, and thus can be sold for more. Same for those tall skinny beverage cans. They look bigger than the regular cans, but are actually 25ml smaller, and yet go for a similar price.
This will continue until the price per gram is what people look for (emphasis on this at the point of sale would help), or the mass of each product is standardized. 50g, 100g, 200g, 350g, 500g, 750g, and whole kg sizes only, none of this 489g nonsense.
That’s why a lot of us are here after all.
Also, who’s going to call them out on that? What court wouldn’t throw that out immediately? And even if you did win, the company wouldn’t even notice. You probably signed away the right to be part of a class action lawsuit in the Terms of Service anyway.
That’s true to a point. 50% gas by fill level is ridiculous though.
I’ve come across several sites with abhorrently short password limits, as low as 12.
Worse, 2 of them accepted the longer password, but only saves the first n characters, so you can’t log in even with the correct password, untill you figure out the exact max length and truncate it manually.
Even worse, one of those sites was a school authentication site, but it accepted the full password online and only truncated the password on the work computer login. That took me an entire period to suss out.
I’ve just realised that I independently came up with the idea for federated services while imagining how to make yt better over 5 years ago.
I’m more of a “be the change you wish to see” kinda person. I’ll neutralize my language to encourage others to do the same, eroding the banks of the river of language in the direction I wish it to go.
Guy is actually from the proper name Guy, variant of Guido. It was originally used as a mild insult, refering to Guy Fawkes, infamous terrorist.
I think “guys” is perfectly gender neutral, in the same way “you idiots” is.
OP must be refering to the metaphysical definition, as they do not believe that souls exists. As you point out, denying the idea of personal experience is unreasonable, therefore OP must hold that “soul” refers to something more and is not synonymous with the sense of self.
You argue here that such a “something more” soul does not exist, reasonably attributing the idea to emergent properties of natural systems, yet you seem to argue that this constitutes every definition of soul, including the various flavours of “something more”, simultaneously answering yes and no.
This is where the confusing begins. Do you believe souls are emergent or elementary? Is there a persistent metaphysical aspect, or are they ephemeral at best? Are they simply produced by the flesh, or is the flesh just where they reside while alive? Do souls exist, or are they an illusion like a tree in a painting?
It’s party marketing, yes, but it’s also Quality of Life features. Windows either has a setting you can find by farting around in the settings or it doesn’t work. Linux can have every setting, but most of them need CLI work, research, and the wherewithal to unfuck whatever you fucked.
If CLIs could be listed, explained, and parametrized in a simple GUI, it would make learning them 10x easier. More default scripts for unfucking things would also help (like Window’s old troubleshooting wizards). More status checking and better error messages, so one can tell when something is broken without manually inspecting every module.
It’s gotten much better, and will certainly improve by necessity if more average users pick Linux up, but it’s a step that has to be taken before Linux sees a major marketshare, regardless of marketing.