Which is totally fair. I’m just saying there are a fuck ton of people that either don’t care, aren’t invested in politics, or aren’t online as much as we are. Or if they are online they sure as shit ain’t here or on Reddit. They’re on websites like Facebook where they get fed ragebait like it’s candy because it gets facebook more clicks and more money. It’s easy to see these people as just “stupid” but in reality this is the internet to them and that’s all they see. They’re not stupid necessarily, but when it comes to the important shit they’re definitely ignorant.
Not denying that. But at the same time I’m pretty sure every president since Bill Clinton would have done the exact same thing because they’re all a bunch of cowards. And things will only get worse under Trump. The only candidate that would have taken action is someone like Bernie Sanders. Like him or not, at least he’s not a fucking coward. I understand the need to protest, but refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils is basically just a vote for the more evil choice.
I think the expectation that a candidate should do everything you want them too is just naive. From the most mundane of policies to literal war crimes you can’t expect to agree on everything. There has never been a “perfect” candidate. Innocent people are getting killed on a daily basis over there and the fact that both candidates didn’t seem to give a shit is disgusting. And I know it’s a fucked up situation and it’s a fucked up choice to even make, but it was our choice to make and we fucked it up. We can blame the candidates all we want, but at the end of the day it was our choice to vote for who we wanted to vote for. And the result of that was fucking Trump.