Lmao. Don’t have a clue because I can’t see the clip.
Assume the worst and don’t touch it and notify your local gas/sewer/utilities company.
Lmao. Don’t have a clue because I can’t see the clip.
Assume the worst and don’t touch it and notify your local gas/sewer/utilities company.
Two chicks at once, man.
Dude. He never was a “real journalist” he’s a hack and a conspiracy theorist.
Cobra Chickens are one of nature’s wonders. Leave them alone!
They smile at people they meet in a genuine “have a good day” vibe. It lifts people more than you know.
I posted a link to it in here when someone mentioned it. It is so fucking bad. I can never get past 20 mins of watching it before I shut it off. Just before Tika shows them the garbage hatch to escape the Inn. Every damn time lol
Yeah, it is. Out of boredom, I watched it one Sunday when I had nothing to do and could only make like 20 minutes into it before I shut it off. It is not good at all lol.Here it is in its horrible glory
I see your point. But if done right, the movie/show can be almost as good as the books (Fellowship of the Ring and One Piece). It just takes someone who loves the material being used or (in the case of One Piece) the creator watching over every step.
Damn. Went from wanting to write a short story to making a world spanning 16 novels, lol.
That’s insane
Yeah. That movie was a disappointment. I love Idris Elba in everything he does, but that movie should not have been made lol
Sounds pretty heavy.
Metal Gear Solid. So many hours a buddy and I put into that sucker. I would love to see it have modern graphics.
Someone fucked around studying, and is about to find out grade-wise it appears.
Do your fucking homework, attend class, and turn it the fuck in, Shawn. It isn’t hard to understand.
Yes, they have. That’s why I don’t buy their products anymore.
The fact the Pepsi at one point had the 6th largest military in the world, and did nothing to conquer Coca-Cola.
Like, why even start that storyline if you dont take it to the inevitable conclusion?
Did it really end? The Soviet Union might have imploded, but the KGB just took the country over, turned it into a mafia state, and kept right at it.
Literally, all it boils down to is: Don’t Be An Asshole.
That’s it. That’s all you have to do.
Straight ticket democrats.
The Republicans haven’t changed their policy platform since 2016, and they offer me nothing as far as healthcare, tax reform, job growth, crime reform, childcare, education, and I don’t want my country to become like Afghanistan ruled by a Evangelists style Taliban.
Black and blue and screaming when you put weight on it is NOT a good sign. Go to a doctor asap