Is it like that across all Italy, and is there an age group where that kinda does down?
Is it like that across all Italy, and is there an age group where that kinda does down?
Ah, thank you for clarifying. If it helps at all, fountain pens can write with minimal pressure (although getting out of the habit of using a lot of pressure is hard to break [I personally blame shitty ballpoint pens + the intense pressure of standardized tests in the state of New Jersey for why I wrote way too hard for so much of my life]). As far as bleed thru goes, there are different brands and types of paper that help mitigate this too. Even if you’re not using fountain pens, I would recommend trying different paper for more comfortable hand writing tasks.
Also, I’m sorry if it comes across as proselytizing. I just really like my current writing tools, and I spent a long time of my life hating my handwriting (and hating writing by hand because of how I’d cramp up). Because of that, I just want to share my experience with other methods
Yeah, I’m not entirely sure how or why the FDA is ok with this
I feel like there’s an equal amount of people being stinkers + people trying to remind others to be chill/happy to not be on reddit and trying promote positivity. At least that’s my perception of what I’ve experienced
The only way I’d do that is if my employer paid for travel, food, and lodging. And even then, I’d do as much as I could before leaving and then just phone it in during the week as much as possible.
What’s happening to the users’ bodies and how are things handled financially for this hypothetical scenario?
Yeah, that’s fair. I suggest them only because they’re a bit easier on the hands
Have you tried fountain pens?
That sounds… Tiring