Wow, I can’t believe that the transfiguration of jesus was so poorly translated by latin scholars.
Wow, I can’t believe that the transfiguration of jesus was so poorly translated by latin scholars.
it pokes through like a space marines pony tail
Well, at least they aren’t getting more expensive yet, it’d be werid explaining to my grandkids how I grew up in the ‘age of cheap semi-conductors’.
Stable diffusion uses gaussian noise to train. When you think about it, boobs aren’t that far off a classic bell curve…
Have you checked to see if any of these lines are actually in the golden ratio?
You don’t need so big a change, there were startups making steam cars for pollution reasons until the invention of the catalytic convertor. (The steady continuous flame of a boiler generating far fewer harmful emissions than the pulsing flame of a diesel or petrol engine)
Sure they’re less efficient, but that’s compensated for somewhat by the lack of a gearbox, as well as the fact that modern steam engines are to 1911 steam engines what modern diesels are to this thing
I suspect the problem is also compounded in fantasy-related prompts. WoW and it’s consequences etc… etc…