My biggest advice to anyone who wants to start cooking or is too intimidated to cook: just start doing it. Find a recipe that’s simple, follow it to a T and then just keep doing it. You will suck at first, but that’s step 1 of any skill. If you cook every night, by month 1 or 2, you’ll be significantly better and can expand. Also, whatever time the recipe you looked up says, 1.5 times or double it (especially anything involving cooking onions). You don’t have the skills to get it down to that time, and most skip prep work to make it a “quick” recipe.
I’m generally a fan Swift’s music, but I remember listening to this song and just thinking it was the feminine version of a white night incel. I get it’s supposed to be the song “all of us” felt like when we were in middle school or high school watching a crush date someone, but anyone older should view the song as a “what not to do” song.