They do things the way they want while I’m doing them the way I want. Which is clearly the superior way (though they disagree).
They do things the way they want while I’m doing them the way I want. Which is clearly the superior way (though they disagree).
You’re doing neither yourself nor anyone else a favour by being overly shy and reticent. You yourself will enjoy life much more when you are yourself and while not everyone will like you, the ones who don’t often don’t stay in your life long and it’s easier to find people you vibe with if they can see you for who you are.
Granted, I very much did not take this advice as a teenager and even now I’m occasionally too shy. But looking back it was good advice and I really wish I hadn’t wasted so much time and energy on not being negatively noticed by people I didn’t really care about then and who haven’t been in my life for years.
Well, I sure hope that’s not where visitors are supposed to walk because that barrier wouldn’t stop a blind turtle from escaping.
I’ve wondered if there is any way to get an US library card as a non-citizen for a while and this thread got me to finally do the research. The Queens Public Library apparently issues cards to non-US-residents for 50$/year. I have yet to look into it more thoroughly and check out the catalogue. But considering the number of Audiobooks I listen to, it seems like a good deal.
Also: cleaning. I’ve had flatmates who managed to take the same time for cleaning the bathroom or the kitchen and yet it somehow still wasn’t clean.
When I’m stressed, I like to soak a washing cloth in hot water and then press it on my face with both hands, covering eyes and nose and slowly and deeply breathe through it. I don’t know why I find almost waterboarding myself comforting but it’s incredibly relaxing.
Also, lying on the floor in the middle of my apartment.
Well, it depends… Germany as one country isn’t very old. So the roots of the education system are certainly older than the country. But I’m not sure which parts should be included in this calculation. The education system was very different in different states that are now part of Germany. Then there are Universities that were (at least partly) German back in the day but are not located in today’s Germany. I’m sure the Romans had schools when they hung out here but that’s probably a bit of a stretch. But where exactly are we supposed to draw the line?
I have a poster from here with the text of one of my favourite books arranged as a picture. It’s quite the conversation piece. If books aren’t your thing, you could always go with the first million digits of Tau, the Streets of Portland, the Constitution of Dalaware or the Kama Sutra.
I feel LLM created texts often use rigid structuring along with the fitting linking words and phrases – “on one hand…, on the other hand”, “furthermore”, “in conclusion”. Like a high school student writing an essay. Also the content may or may not be correct and is mostly just stolen from several sources and patched together without any thought and care – also like a high school essay. So I’m gonna go with that.
Stepping on single fallen leaves on the sidewalk. I’m also more disappointed than I should be when they are not crunchy.
I read Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain at some point during the First World War centenary. I’m also roughly 100 years younger than Vera Brittain, so I was very close to her age during WW1. I knew the facts of WW1 before, but it hit me really hard to think about a whole generation of young people (of the countries involved) having their youth drowned in a war. And the pointlessness of it all. It made me really grateful for the circumstances I was lucky enough to grow up in.
I’ve had my 1l Sigg aluminium bottle for about 10 years. The lid broke once when I dropped it and I bought a replacement lid. It’s a bit dented but otherwise still good.
This is probably not the one you meant, but it made me think of this quote from Monstrous Regiment:
“The place was one of those nowhere villages that existed only to order to avoid the embarrassment of having any large empty spaces on the map.”
I always find it very hard to rank books I like. Here it’s especially difficult for me, since they are very different. Good Omens isn’t set on the Discworld but in the real world (well, kinda, with angels and demons and hellhounds and stuff). The tone is also a bit different, I guess partly because it’s a collaboration with Neil Gaiman. I would say that it’s weirder (I don’t mean that in a bad way). Or maybe that’s just because I’m more used to the Discworld weirdness since there are more books in that setting.
I’m afraid I can’t really help you with the Soul Music question. It’s been a while since I read the Death books and I don’t feel confident that I wouldn’t get them mixed up.
I hope someone else here can help you.
In my opinion, there are several options:
You could continue the Death series with Soul Music.
If you want to switch it up, you could start either the Watch arc with Guards! Guards! or the Witches arc, I recommend with Wyrd Sisters, since Equal Rites is a bit like a standalone and not as polished. Which one entirely depends on whether you feel more like “cynical man pulls together a ragtag group of misfits to do what needs to be done” or “trio of witches with very different characters and approaches uses a mix of psychology (aka headology) and actual magic to do what needs to be done”.
Or you could read Good Omens, the book Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman wrote together.
Oh cool, we have a very similar one in German: “His/her swing stood too close to the wall.”
I wish I could take credit, but I’m afraid I actually did not intend this pun. Thanks for pointing it out though, it really is funny.
I’m not sure, because I don’t really know, what Find My can do (I think it’s an Apple app, right?) What you can do with KDE Connect is make your phone ring to locate it. You can’t access the phones location. I hope that was remotely helpful.
OpenStreetMap is amazing. I always use the maps when I want to know details about some place. Much more detailed than Google Maps.
ETA: Especially when you want to go somewhere on foot or by bike, because Google Maps kinda sucks at showing footpaths etc.
I don’t think I do know actually. But here’s an attempt at answering this question anyway:
We are usually very quick at relating sickness or even discomfort to the food we ate at the time or slightly before. This is a very valuable trait to avoid food that is unhealthy or even poisonous. But it’s only based on correlation, so it can turn us off food that is not actually causing the sickness but we just happened to eat at the time.