Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • Just some minor nonsense. But all of it yields a fun memory.

    I won a hat from a Wario Ware (Wii) tournament at my country’s biggest nerd-convention circa 2009. Got like a 15 minigame lead on the second place too.

    I won a(n imported, we’re brazilian, these were never published here) copy of a My Little Pony Comic Omnibus from a giveaway at an MLP forum I participated in some 10 years ago. I never read the physical comic, it just sits untouched at my shelf. I just read the pirated .cbr

    A few months later my SO won a Hot Topic Vinyl Figure of Princess Luna (also imported) from another giveaway at the same forum, and gifted it to me.

  • 30 years old now. Was put in Special Ed at age 9. Dysgraphia + What at the time they called ADHD, but my current psychiatrist and therapist believe is actually ASD.

    Special Ed means different things in different places. In Brazil in the very early 2000s it meant I attended school with all the normal kids, but would stay in the afternoon for a bunch of mandatory extra stuff.

    Consequences… ? Enh. I mean. I never learned how to properly study, given I had tutors for every subject and so was basically always in class. To this day I’m not sure how one studies on their own. Had quite a hard time through college, when I had to figure this shit out on my own. Still managed to graduate eventually.

    But like. Some people who were in Special Ed report, like, major emotional trauma from it. That really wasn’t a thing for me, I guess I got lucky? At most I have an irrational dislike of colouring pencils because of all the colouring books they made me fill in, in hopes that would “cure” my dysgraphia (fat load of good THAT did).

    I got emotional trauma from bullying, but I was already being bullied before being put in Special Ed. And it didn’t get any better or worse until I like. Changed schools.

  • If I may be a centrist about this.

    OP is being silly wanting a year-cutoff. Geeenerally people who are whole-hog on AI are very proud of that and will yell about it to the four winds. And even if they didn’t, reputation is a real thing one can rely on for knowing who are the goodies and the baddies. (… though if they do feel that’s the only way… 2023. That’s the date. November 2023 is when ChatGPT became something the public could use, and the floodgates opened for businesspeople wanting to replace all artists with robots. Before that, Generative AI was used mostly either by scientists for research into AI itself… Or by internet dorks like me for shitposting. It wasn’t good enough for anything else either way.)

    With that said, y’all are being unreasonable to them too: Literature is art, and when it comes to art, “I don’t like the way it feels” is more than enough reason to not want to engage with something. If OP says “I don’t want to touch anything AI related, I don’t care if it is quote-unquote good” then that should be a complete sentence, and require no belaboured justification whatsoever.

  • Evopsych type dudes.

    They made up a whole pseudoscience to “explain” their inability to form meaningful bonds with other humans. And in the process broadcast to everyone they are on the spectrum but refuse to accept it.

    Like my dude, I too have trouble intuiting the rules of proper social interaction and wonder where the manual everyone but me got is. But it’s not because of some made up bullshit about the pleistocene. It’s because I’m autistic, and it’s high time you got your ass checked.

  • People are commenting ‘fates worse than death’ and ‘being made into a labrat by the 1%’, but really, if you have infinite time to just do stuff and you can’t be killed – And you don’t somehow squirrel your way into a position of power then what are you even doing with your time and immortality, oomfie?

    The loneliness part is also questionable. I know OP said it’s overly done, but I also think it’s just wrong. If you’re an adult you’ve had people in your life die before. It sucks. You miss them. But then you move on. And you meet other people. You’ll still go “:(” when you think about the person and such… But life goes on.

    And that’s just life. It doesn’t get any worse if you extend it longer – If anything it gets better. You might have lost your beloved today, but you have another dozen lifetimes to heal your wounds and meet someone else and fall in love again and (…)

    So here’s some lower-stakes, frustrating inconveniences of being immortal:

    • Your favourite fashion? It’s not just out of fashion. It’s so out of fashion it is now considered ‘historical costuming’. You can no longer find any articles like it at all. Because the only people even trying to recreate the techniques are costuming nerds and theater people who always exaggerate stuff
    • You got a song stuck in your head. It is either from before recording was invented, or any recordings of it that existed are too old to be reliably listenable. You have a song stuck in your head.
    • You used to really enjoy a job you did. That entire career path is now obsolete. As per the first paragraph of my post, if you’re immortal you have probably snuck your way into the upper echelons of society at some point during your infinite time… But like. You’re bored. You loved being a Court Jester, now there are no Court Jesters.
    • Actually tedium just in general. Sooner or later you’ll run out of new things to try, because you’ll have done everything that even remotely caught your eye already. So what the fuck will you do with your time? You’ll eventually just get depressed and not do anything.