Would be interesting to see it on an eink screen
Would be interesting to see it on an eink screen
I did not find any.
I am using beeper (partially open source) for the direct messages and I am using myinsta (apk mod) to remove the reels, explorer and ads from the default client
Can you share the wallpaper ?
Nice! I like the Human Benchmark website. Where do you take user stats from? The app is nice but would be cool if it supported dark theme and maybe material you colors. The blue and white is hard on my eyes
It is since I criticized only non-constructive criticizing and not critizing in general
“And no you’re not a shit person for critizing any work” is the strawman
I couldn’t care less about you giving no shit about being a shit person for shitting on voluntary work. You could just have put the constructive criticism. Putting valid reasons doesn’t justify throwing in an invalid one
Constructive criticism is different than talking shit. Still a useless debate
Nice strawman btw
What a useless debate. Anyway they were asking why I was “condescending”, well if you shit on a voluntary work, just because it’s not at your taste, you are a shit person
It’s the cause, not an excuse
The whole point of the app is to not have to pay a subscription
Because “overall ugly” is not a constructive comment. They may not like it, that’s okay, not a reason to shit on the app
Yes it does feel a bit incomplete
You’re overall ugly 🥰 Nah bro chill it’s a free app
May seem stupid, but after 15 min of using it I didn’t find how to subscribe to an ical calendar nor how to sync to an existing calendar account, so basically how to use it. Also some things are weird like holidays being available only in one language in multilingual countries or distinctions between birthdays and anniversaries which I am not sure I understand
Signal isn’t immune to zero day exploits and neither is the phone it’s running on