You have to actually create your account on a self-hosted instance. Self-hosted accounts are all Pro by default.
You have to actually create your account on a self-hosted instance. Self-hosted accounts are all Pro by default.
I believe that’s only if you use their servers. You can selfhost.
Joplin is good, but I recently moved to Notesnook and honestly it’s so much better.
I use it to produce video content for my company, so pretty good I’d say.
For context, I would not claim to be a “professional video editor”, but I do have to edit videos in a professional context which is the same thing, technically speaking, but definitely not practically speaking. Anyways, for my purposes I’ve had no serious issues. Some crashes - save often - but no difficulty producing good looking results that my bosses have been happy with.
Joplin for a while, but most recently I’ve been trying out Notesnook and really liking it.
For anyone who would prefer not to use Cloudflare, the solution is a free Oracle VPS, a Wireguard tunnel into your homework, and a reverse proxy on the VPS (Caddy is my personal preference).
Is everything supposed to be black and white? Also, how does one access the purported customisability? I can’t seem to find a settings option anywhere, and the is just a vague list of selling points.
Edit: NVM, figured it out. For anyone else wondering, long press on the desktop and select “Tweaks” from the menu that pops up.
Is… Is that what the image generator thinks a bong looks like? What the fuck even is that? Are they just burning a jar full of weed while Mickey shoves the barrel of a fifties sci-fi laser pistol in his mouth?
Sorry but when you said “some people”, you didn’t explicitly specify the gender of the people you were referring to, so now I am confused and terrified. In future please use “some male people” or “some female people” to avoid inflicting your gender ideology on me.
I love 1Password, they’re great (I personally use Bitwarden for my passwords, but would happily recommend either of them). But by putting both your authenticator codes and your passwords in the same place, you now have a single point of failure. What happens if someone finds an exploit in 1Password that gives them access to your account? The whole point of 2FA is to not have a single point of failure.
That’s still a single point of failure. What happens if someone finds an exploit that bypasses the login process entirely?
That seems like it defeats the “2” part of 2FA. If your password manager is compromised the attackers now how complete access.
Did you actually read this? I don’t think you did. Either that or you’re being extremely dishonest right now.
Doctorow is briefly mentioned in passing in this blog post. His only involvement was a single tweet that in absolutely no way mentioned or even implied it was about Wu. Despite that she decided to make it about her anyway, and declared that Cory was leading some kind of witch hunt against her based on no evidence other than her own decision that she automatically counted as a “garbage person” in his mind. We have zero evidence that this was actually Cory’s intent, just her assertion that it must have been his meaning.
To take that and turn it into “he was involved in the media harassment and witch hunting of a famous Chinese tech girl Naomi Wu” isa disgustingly disingenuous twisting of the available facts.
It’s not impossible that Cory shares some blame in the events described - no one is perfect, every hero is some kind of bastard, yada yada - but the evidence you’ve offered doesn’t come remotely close to backing up the claims you’re making, and it’s dangerously irresponsible to share such a claim on such a flimsy basis.
I’m actually looking at doing a wrapper around NMap. Personally I’m fine with “Just use NMap” as a solution, but I need something that’s usable by people who know only a little about Linux and aren’t super comfortable in the command line. So I want to do stuff like enumerating the interfaces and just letting them pick one to scan instead of having to specify a network. I’ll probably work in a really basic UI using Dialog or something as well.
Would you by any chance mind sharing? I was going to make my own, but a good starting point never hurts.
(feel free to say no, I don’t want to impose)
It’s the dumbest thing, but right now I just really want a better open source alternative to Advanced IP Scanner. Or I want someone to add a filter (especially by MAC) option to Angry IP Scanner. Whatever. I just want an IP scanner that can filter by MAC and works on Linux.
Ah, the Skaven solution.
I’d argue that the obvious desired state is simple; people should not struggle to afford housing. Every other consideration is secondary to that. The question is just how to get there.
To be decided by committee. We’d have to study both options and examine the potential negative and positive impacts.
In general the goal of the rent formula would be to keep average rents at a low percentage of average incomes. That means a typical two person apartment should clock in at, say for arguments sake, around 20% of monthly minimum wage. So even if there was some flex in rental prices, it should basically be impossible for anyone to struggle to make rent.
That said, I think it would definitely be important to ensure that an increase in desirability in an area doesn’t end up punishing the existing inhabitants. That way lies gentrification. This would tend to argue against factoring in desirability. A waiting list system will naturally push people away from areas that are highly desirable, since no one will want to wait that long for somewhere to live. I suspect that alone would be a sufficient solution, but again, I’d like to see it studied.
Obviously, there are problems this can’t solve, but they need their own solutions. More walkable neighbourhoods, better public transit, these are the kind of factors that would help reduce housing pressure on specific areas by making everywhere more desirable to live. Same goes for ensuring fair distribution of resources to schools and other public amenities, and so on.
But I recommend this thread as a better setup guide;