Can you expand on your last point? Where do we move to from document based software? That seems like a bigger change than the change from typewriter to word processor.
Can you expand on your last point? Where do we move to from document based software? That seems like a bigger change than the change from typewriter to word processor.
I think because in that framing being a ghost is a sad lonely thing. In the Christian tradition the ultimate reward is heaven and being in the presence of the lord. If one is stuck on earth it is similar to catholicism’s concept of purgatory.
Very cool. Kind of like how Pandora used to be when it first started.
Here’s the first one I found by searching. There were several more. And the recall in the news right now is for frozen waffles, which contain no meat. I never said cut fruit was dangerous. I said it is more likely to be contaminated than uncut fruit.
That’s what I was saying. Every interaction increases the risk of contamination. Cut fruit is vulnerable to dirty machines which is a big factor in listeria contamination.
Anything not processed. This includes cut fruit and mixed greens.
Can’t you export your library / media settings and only have to change file paths or mnt points?
I’m adding debian to the drive on a ten plus year old laptop as we speak. It’s taking forever because I have to do part of it manually but usually it takes less than an hour and is mostly idiot proof (my current project is on its 3rd week so I am just a special kind of idiot) but a small lightweight distro alongside the windows partition is an easy way to give old hardware new life without migrating data.
It’s really wild. Even in my own life we watched each of the first six seasons over and over while waiting for new ones. By the end of it I felt no need. I barely remember how it ended and have no desire to watch it. Kind of sucks, I think I’m right in that age bracket that it was a big deal for. No lasting impact. Like Avatar
I worked in the ED for a decade and this is very true. Avocado injuries might be the most common non allergic good injury. I do mine like this guy says. Usually 3 or 4 a day. I only use butter knives to cut them and the wacking the seed still works. I then take the knife and make either slices or grids in the fruit while it is in the peel and use a spoon to scoop out the pre cut flesh
I’ve played and given up the mandolin several times over tge past several years. Longest continuous before now was maybe three months. What I’ve learned through my own learning process is:
Post script: The reason I quit when I do is because I become frustrated with plateaus. I now believe a lot of these plateaus came from bad mechanics. My pinky could not reach the 7th fret no matter how much I practiced. I could not switch chords without destroying my rhythm or muting extra strings etc.
What bands do you recommend that are of the newer style?
Dancing in the street
Last guess is Precious Angel then I’m out of probable angel songs since it isn’t Angel Flying too Close to the Ground or Seven Spanish Angels
Angel band or Angel son?
Generals gathered in their masses / just like witches at Black Masses
Electric kettle. Boiling water. Infuser basket in tea pot for 3 - 5 minutes depending on the type of tea. Drink pot and repeat around 1400
If I break it, I buy a better tool. If I lose it, buy a cheap one.
Cool thanks. I get the distinction now. I use Joplin for some of the features mentioned and do like it. Notion sounds pretty neat too.