More people also means more demand for things that require labour to create however. Your position is referred to as the lump of labour fallacy
More people also means more demand for things that require labour to create however. Your position is referred to as the lump of labour fallacy
Umatrix is great, you can configure it to automatically allow first party javascript, and if sites still dont work eneable bits until they do them lock those settings so the same bits will be enabled next time you’re on that site.
You’re right to an extent, but there is nuance. No end user goes through the Debian repositories and checking the source code for each package by hand. You would be well within your rights to be annoyed if a rm -rf /
got added into a script in the repos somehow. A level of trust somewhere is unavoidable for things to work smoothly.
Of course the difference in level of responsibility between core repos and random code pulled of github is vast.
defederation isnt censorship. Can we please not ape the right in crying censorship every time someone chooses not to boost someone elses message
No I’m not, I’m just not assuming immigrants have 0 buying power, which your post implicitly was, yes supply increases but demand also increases. Beyond that you get into the realms of having to do empirical research as to which is more (which is difficult).