A Toyota embedded, like a javelin, 6 feet off the ground in the side of an abandoned building.
They made the first 90° turn of a dog-leg, but missed the second and, with the help of a ditch, launched into the air at the building.
A Toyota embedded, like a javelin, 6 feet off the ground in the side of an abandoned building.
They made the first 90° turn of a dog-leg, but missed the second and, with the help of a ditch, launched into the air at the building.
Coworker of mine was handling hardware returns for our main data center. There were two issues with this: It wasn’t his job and he never told anyone about it. Work fired him during his vacation because they saw he wasn’t completing his assignments, but never asked him for reasons.
Six months later, the company got hit with over 200k in service plan renewals for hardware we no longer used.
Congratulations on your promotion!
Oh, I thought you got promoted to my command chain.
I have gastroparesis, which means that I’ve been leaning on these pretty heavily of late. I don’t yet have a favorite, really, but the premade Soylent is rather filling. My biggest issue with all of them has be the sugar content.
You have personally upset Zeus, who keeps popping your breakers out of spite.