Denise is a feminine name, therefore nieces are girls. Denephew isn’t a name at all, so nephews are boys (or just straight up don’t exist)
Denise is a feminine name, therefore nieces are girls. Denephew isn’t a name at all, so nephews are boys (or just straight up don’t exist)
My new favourite typo <3
Even if your wife is right and the child is joking, this is not something it’s ok to joke about. Part of being in school is socialising and learning what is and isn’t ok to say
Beds aren’t for everyone. I sleep on a mattress on the floor and have done for about eight years. It’s so convenient having everything in reach (rather than cramming things on to a small bedside table which just takes up space) and I prefer to be on the floor anyway. I also sit on the floor to read and eat.
For some people, underneath the mattress gets wet, mouldy or gross. It’s worth checking every couple of weeks if you sleep on the floor, but it’s never happened to me throughout multiple different houses. Maybe my mattress is magic :)
That chef smoking a cigarette is not food safe :(
You were completely correct the first time, I was making a joke about how to remember which gender is niece and nephew because I struggle remembering