Play BitBurner, use Links browser.
Play BitBurner, use Links browser.
*According to Article 3(2), a business that targets individuals in the EU for offering goods or services (even if it’s free) or monitoring their behaviour falls under the scope of GDPR. Monitoring activities such as tracking through cookies or other technologies, behavioural advertising, geolocation, market surveys etc performed by a non-EU business can be subject to GDPR. A US business that has no establishment in the EU, but sells goods or services to consumers in the EU, will fall under the scope of GDPR in the US. Note that the law extends to any resident of the EU, irrespective of citizenship. *
Many US companies were fined, it doesn’t matter where your servers are, it matters if you target EU customers. In this case, Reddit very clearly targeted EU citizens.
But it’s easier to find a phone with a CD player than a phone with cassette player.
Sure, let’s downvote him for being honest, well done redd… Lemmy.
Same as Mickey:
You’re welcome.