Plex server go brrrrr
I’d rather be sleeping.
Plex server go brrrrr
If I’m currently running the Play Store version, is there a way to switch over without uninstalling and losing allmy settings?
Available to scalpers
Thats cool. I have so many questions. Is it visibly smaller than your other teeth? Did the corresponding adult tooth come in? If it fell out now would you still get tooth fairy money?
Totally depends on your age and style, but check out streetwear communities. Its super flashy but the basics of proportions and colours can be applied to any casual outfit.
Get some jeans that fit and some neutral (not graphic) t-shirts and you’ll be ahead of a lot of people.
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
Poor impulse control
Smoke weed in the woods because I never really stopped being fourteen.
27?! I would actually die. We keep ours at 19.
Zoids toy, Zoidberg lobster.
I probably could have been more clear, too.
If you’re comparing the comfort of a car to the comfort of a plane, you must be riding in the rich people seats.
This is a comfort issue. I don’t care about getting killed.
Rose invested $6,000 into the site that was meant to be a down payment on a house
Was this in the 1920s?
It was so weird when Target opened in my city. Everyone was pumped for the great deals Americans are always on about. The grand opening comes, and it was basically just a super expensive Walmart with half the products out of stock. Then they closed without notice like a month later. Employees came in the morning to open up and there were chains on the doors.
Well this is great news. My coworkers have been no-lifing this game and I’ve been refusing to buy, seeing as I’d be “locked out” when the new anti-cheat hit.
The time was ten years ago. We’re boned.