Yeah… My comments which were restored were deleted for several days before they started reappearing. That doesn’t sound like a flaw on the scripts, but a flaw on how reddit handles bulk comment deletion.
Yeah… My comments which were restored were deleted for several days before they started reappearing. That doesn’t sound like a flaw on the scripts, but a flaw on how reddit handles bulk comment deletion.
It’s not just a conspiracy theory that they have restored deleted comments.
I deleted all of my comments twice because they were restored after the “blackout” a few weeks ago, even though they were deleted well before that outage started.
Does lemmy have an equivalent of /r/outside? Because it’s leaking a little.
Perfect control over memory.
So able to remember anything with high detail, but also able to forget the cringey stuff from middle school
Avoiding cold water is just bad advice and it’s perpetuated by people who do not live in hot climates. It violates thermodynamics to say adding cold stuff makes you hot.
If you’re already to the point of sweating, your body is trying to cool you down. Adding cool liquid will make you colder, not hotter. Go read medical recommendations for how to treat heat stress, they will never tell you to drink hot tea and eat some chillies
You answered it for me. This is exactly what I was thinking.