This one approves.
Also worth mentioning is that there’s a plugin for Krita which allows both generating and inpainting from inside krita. Especially for inpainting you can get incredible results by combining with proper selections from inside krita.
I’ve let my google developer account expire quite a while ago after they kept asking for more and more stupid stuff. Nowadays if you don’t get paid a lot for it you must be either a masochist or a bit stupid if you upload to google play.
Have been using it since late 90s, stopped using it with the shutdown of SixXs as there still were no viable native options in pretty all my infra locations. Recently started using it again as I finally have an ISP providing proper v6.
Funny thing is that the only reason I’ve found *arrs a few years ago was Netflix deciding to be stupid, making me look at how I can manage my local library better nowadays.
I just mentioned that because google drive links are one of the very few things I’m opening in chrome - and they’re the only site where I need a 3rd party cookie exemption for.
They probably couldn’t get google drive to work without 3rd party cookies.
I’m fine with that. I don’t want to talk with people - I just want an email address to write to.
Had to look that lawyer bit up as it just sounded too much like Gravenreuth - and indeed it was.
There is nothing like this availlable currently. Framework probably comes closest, but they only sell in a few countries, and there is lots of stuff to dislike about their solutions - but building your own around a framework board might be feasible.
I have two mnt reforms - as you said, slow and expensive. They have their use for work prototyping for me, but generally wouldn’t recommend. They also have the worst keyboard I’ve encountered in a notebook in the last decade.
Funny timing, I’m currently going through a stack of Sun hardware in my garage to decide what to keep, and for what I’ll try to find a good home (or eventually dispose of it).
I’ve been trying that for a while until I ran out of searches, and was trying to pay - after getting unsolvable captchas thrown at me several times by their payment processor I eventually gave up. Having a captcha at that point also doesn’t make any sense at all - as I’m in the EU my card will have to go through strong verification before adding it. For a US audience the experience might be different - I guess that’s also their main initial target.
They also just did a bare minimum job of supporting non-javascript - while it nowadays is pretty much impossible to handle payment without allowing some javascript they also have their own account logic unusable without javascript, and they don’t have a way to easily open that in a private session when you get stuck. That’d be trivially solvable by just giving you a URL with an account key attached you can paste into a private instance to do your payment.
metager does that way better - they’re usable without javascript, and don’t force you to create an account with them. You can create a key with tokens tied to it to unlock search features. You can just use that to enable it in other browsers - and you easily jump into a private instance from the key workflow to just add money to the key.
I might revisit kagi later to see if they fixed some of those problems - but for now metager seems to be the best option. I’m a bit amazed they still exist - it was my main search engine back in the 90s before google came around.
The real danger is when people start believing the artist more because of how much more aesthetically pleasing they can make their misunderstandings, and trust me it is a real danger.
We already have that a lot in our field - people just buy a shiny UI, and don’t care about the rest.
One of the first times I’ve encountered that was when a customer bought a ridiculously overpriced firewall box because of the easy to use GUI, and asked me to implement a pretty complex rule set. The irony of having bought the fancy UI so the can do it themselves, and then hire an expert to do it instead was completely lost on them.
This thing had troubles doing what was needed there, and had pretty much zero debug functionality exposed - so eventually I suggested they give me one of their old desktops and half a day to see if I can get the ruleset done the old fashioned way with OpenBSDs pf (that was before Linux kernel 2.4 was released, so Linux firewalls couldn’t do stateful filtering yet, which was required there) - got everything running in a morning, they decided to just stick with it, and the expensive fancy box was collecting dust.
The same people who, in my field (software engineering), don’t know the difference between Java and JavaScript
The same people who don’t understand that zip codes are not unique to a country, and do a zip code search on recruiting platforms without also setting a country. And then offer you to move to their country (at your expense) when you explain them the concept of zip codes and countries.
Thanks to more and more languages supporting full unicode for symbols this will eventually be a thing of the past, fortunately: we can just switch to functions and variables being named only with one or more descriptive emojis.
This is an Xorg thing - for wayland you’d have to implement that kind of functionality yourself.
Just checked, it seems to be still there, and exposed via xrandr, see the --panning option in xrandr manpage. So you should be able to somewhat dynamically resize the virtual desktop used via xrandr nowadays. The maximum virtual desktop size supported is determined by your graphics card - so if you’d want that some infinity thing you’d have to do that yourself and just throw a small part of the screen in the graphics buffer for rendering.
The bit where you have a small view on a large virtual display exists in xorg (I assume it is still there - when I used that it was XFree86).
You’d configure a virtual screen with whatever resolution you want, and your physical resolution generates a view on that which is moving with the mouse focus. I used to run a 1200x1600 desktop on a 640x480 screen until my girlfriend said she got sick watching me and bought me a large screen.
Might be useful if you quickly want to prototype the general idea.
Pretty much everybody pushing fingerprints as a sensible thing for accessing a device is fucking up. It is way too easy to obtain a persons fingerprints suitable for device unlocking without them knowing - and that’s ignoring that using fingerprints enables device unlocking with a persons finger against their will.
Just get a drive from any old notebook of the last 15 years or so someone wants to throw out, and buy a USB to SATA slim cable.