Fuck, you got really lucky. There were so many aspects of that whole situation that you could’ve died from, even just the ladder.
video games and music sure are neat… i am currently “moving” this account to kbin.run
Fuck, you got really lucky. There were so many aspects of that whole situation that you could’ve died from, even just the ladder.
To be honest, after high school it just either doesn’t seem like most people I know my age are very religious at all either way, or otherwise it doesn’t come up.
I haven’t had anyone give me shit for it, personally, I don’t take offense to online meme bashing, everybody gets it
I’d say I’m agnostic, but my parents also didn’t force religion on me, my dad is Catholic, and my mom is Thai Buddhist, and I view the Buddhist ideology to strive for being satisfied without material as an honorable goal. I feel as if I believe that attaining that mindset really is nirvana, and I don’t think you need to be particularly religious to think that’s possible.
It’s about time to rewatch Avatar, isn’t it…
That’s an extremely difficult situation to deal with. I’m glad you were able to get some help. It’s very easy to spiral down and sometimes you might feel like you deserve that spiral, getting out can be a real climb.
God, yes, they did such a good job on the show. MASSIVE SPOILERS, but I loved how they handled the scene with Joel and the doctors. They cut it off, leaving it ambiguous whether he kills them or not, meanwhile in the game the player is given the ability to kill them, but is not forced to. It translates that perfectly.
There’s also a program free for personal use called Bulk Rename. It has an incredible amount of custom options that the Microsoft power toys couldn’t do, that I needed. Just in case your program isn’t super extensive on the options and possibilities, FOSS is preferred unless necessary
Amen to your final statement. A lot of people forgive family for heinous injustice because “they’re family” or time passed. You need to hold people accountable for their actions and have your opinions change accordingly.
Your abusers committed terrible atrocities to you and I’m glad they don’t even deserve their familial title in your description. I’m glad you have new family that deserve being considered as such.
I don’t think I ever look at anything or am presented with anything that has text on it in dreams, I’ve never been able to try. Even when I go lucid I end up wanting to do something fun like fly or breathe underwater and never try to test the limits of the dream.
Because games are an interactive medium, in an action game, you’re basically responding to visual information on screen, making a judgment, and responding to it by performing input.
The more frames that happen per second, the more information you’re able to receive in the same amount of time, which is why frames are most important in driving games, fighting games, or twitch shooters. Things happen very fast in those games, so having less frames a second puts you at a small, but very real disadvantage.
The visual info on screen also represents your inputs since you control it. In an action game, higher FPS means you see your character responding to your inputs more quickly, which feels perceptibly better.
You can get used to 30 FPS just fine, but certain, mostly action, games are simply better with higher FPS, whether you’re the kind of person who cares or plays competitively or not. Believe it or not even going from 60 to 120 is still a noticeable change.
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. I can keep going, they’re all winners.
And my axe. This is still funny, right?
Damn, well, she deleted her blog. Probably a pretty interesting rabbit hole there.
Its not necessarily a kid’s game, but that is their primary demographic and player base out of some fusion of being easy to run, simple games being easier to create, the art style, the accessibility and short term gratification of easily jumping between experiences.
Not sure I’ll be able to get over In N Out Burger. For a chain their consistency is incredible. Good quality ingredients, but most specifically, they always get the toast on the bun perfect, soft in the center, crispy just around the edges, and thousand Island style dressing on a burger is the shit.
Oh fuck, I used to play Tribes Ascend. Still so sad that game got axed and we never got a follow up. I never thought about it that way, but I think I’d agree. Tribes is at once slow and fast since you can ski at incredible speeds, but shooting in that game is more about preparing and positioning for a few really good shots.
A lot of old Iron Maiden will fit that quite well, of course, maybe most infamously, The Trooper.
I suppose I’d call one form of that “household chores”
It seems like English is not their first language. What I think they were saying is that escaping from a difficult living situation doesn’t always guarantee a better one since anyone you live with could be monstrously shitty, even if they arent your parents.
They believe that you can make do where you are because life is hell and “what’s the point?” Not that I believe that absolutely dire worldview, but that seems to be their point.
Probably five or six years ago when I was around 20 I went with my Uncle and his family to the beach. After we were finished and the sun began to go down, we washed off in our swimsuits in the outdoor showers.
Nearby they had some benches to sit on that were made out of the same concrete as the ground, smoothly sloping up out of it to form each bench. I was walking across one of these waiting for the rest of the family to finish rinsing off, and extremely stupidly walked down the end, down the slope, which, of course, was completely slick wet from being near the showers.
As soon as my first foot touches the slope, I slip backwards, with just enough time before impact to think “I really fucked up, this might not be good at all…”
The back of my head impacted the concrete slope of the bench, and it hurt like a mother fucker, but I didn’t lose consciousness or awareness. After gripping my head and cursing for a few seconds my Uncle arrived at me and found my head to be bleeding, but the cut was not so wide as to need stitches.
We returned to his house nearby and after my head clotted up, i realized I needed to drive myself home, 40 minutes away on the freeway, and I felt… a bit dazed after the impact. I didn’t feel sleepy at all, and after waiting for about half an hour, I decided I had to go home. I felt a little foggy until the next day, or maybe I’m just that foggy now and Im used to it.
There’s a scar where hair doesn’t grow, and sometimes I wonder if my universe forked to keep me alive somehow and I was supposed to just die instead, because it was entirely created by my idiocy and if seems silly I got that lucky. Sometimes I have dreams still where I’ll slip on something and relive the sequence of slipping, accepting the imminent possibility of death, and everything sort of slows down increasingly until I fade to white and wake up.