As an Android developer and as an user, I would prefer a standard and tested set of rules rather than reinventing everything. I know everyone have different taste, but I would trust an expert (someone who designed and defined Material rules) rather than my own judgement. Don’t have an eye of a designer
The Hidden Brain explores the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior and questions that lie at the heart of our complex and changing world.
99% Invisible Design is everywhere in our lives, perhaps most importantly in the places where we’ve just stopped noticing. 99% Invisible is a weekly exploration of the process and power of design and architecture
Geomob Geomob is an event series and podcast for geospatial enthusiasts. Discuss some softwares, technologies etc regarding GIS
Invisibilia Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions. Invisibilia—Latin for invisible things—fuses narrative storytelling with science that will make you see your own life differently.
How to Fix the Internet It seems like everywhere we turn we see dystopian stories about technology’s impact on our lives and our futures — from tracking-based surveillance capitalism to street level government surveillance to the dominance of a few large platforms choking innovation to the growing pressure by authoritarian governments to control what we see and say — the landscape can feel bleak. Exposing and articulating these problems is important, but so is envisioning and then building a better future. That’s where our podcast comes in.
Symphony github link It has nice UI, very polished and have folder view and lyrics support But there’s a major catch, unlike other players, you will need to keep the app open in background
Gramophone github link Also have a nice ui, but not very polished. Absolutely usable. Have folder view and lyrics support
I use input leap and it works flowlessly with Wayland. One PC has KDE and another GNOME 47. Even through tailscale tunnel
I see what you did there
URL Check It acts like an intermediary to open in browser when you click on a URL. Its useful to kinda look at the URL before it opens and choose browser.
Audio Share Relays audio from PC to mobile through network
PCAPDroid Packet capture for Android
edit: typo
Isn’t that the premise of Westworld S3
Kagi is also experimenting with small web
And what if its a pseudorandom generator all the way down
Or a burning hatred of proprietary systems
Github started independently and was amazing service(and still is except now its going downhill) but Microsoft acquired it it 2018
Most probably. I was viewing discussions about podman, I could view them if directily opened from a link but it required login when navigated to linked pages and wiki
You gotta embrace first
My first impression of gitlab was offputting because I was using hardened firefox and couldnt get past through cloudflare so I ended up using github. It was also better ui wise but now its just a mess
Edit: slowly i’m starting to move everything to codeberg
“Works best in Firefox”
It does make sense. Most of the android users directly use google search bar and dont even bother to open a browser directly if its one shot query or not using multiple tabs.
~ Camus