Exactly what I wanted to say. Anything on public domain; movies, books, pictures and paintings should be fair game. Including any databases that allows the uses of it in the given context.
Exactly what I wanted to say. Anything on public domain; movies, books, pictures and paintings should be fair game. Including any databases that allows the uses of it in the given context.
I feel like one of thr problem is LLMs hijacked the definition of AI. Like another comment said, the way they trained on copyrighted material, it’s probably not possible. But imagine there was another model (not necessarily LLM) and it was trained with completely public domain material. For example maybe something trained to find genetic diseases from genetic samples of a person, or detecting asteroids from telescope images. Those could become open source. Now, I am not an expert, but do we consider those AI?
There is a project, but it’s really early in it’s development. It’s called Cabal. Has a nice desktop client, looks kinda like Discord. It’s p2p, so no server required. BUT AGAIN, VERY EARLY IN DEVELOPMENT.
Not something you should use, but look out for how the development is going.
Yeah. I still don’t understand all the encryption stuff. I lost all my encrypted texts even after I used my recovery pass phrase on a new session.
Completely off-topic from the original post, but is updoot like the common alternative term for upvote in Lemmy like toot for Mastodon v. tweet for Twitter?