I have junk scissors that I buy for a couple of bucks and replace as necessary for all the things that I need to cut. I also have kitchen junk scissors for cutting open plastic that food gets packaged in. If I found someone using my poultry shears or kitchen knives for anything besides their intended use I would ask them to leave and never come back.
Don’t touch my tools. That includes the things in my garage, my kitchen tools (cookware, knives, shears, barbecue stuff, whatever), and my electronics tools. I can’t imagine someone using one of my instruments incorrectly, but don’t touch those either. If you want to touch anything, ask. Don’t be surprised if I try to make sure you know the right way to use it before I hand it over.
I’ll do to you what I do to other unwanted pests! I’ll yell “Go-on, getonouttahurr!” ineffectually while shooing you away with whatever I’ve got at hand.