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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Kids finish school around 3 pm where I live. They have time to do their extracurricular activities (partially) during daytime even in the dead of winter. So of course it’s the mornings they find dreadful. If school finished around 5-6 pm I think they’d be miserable then as well.

    Speaking of which, I’m about to end my work day and the sun is setting right now. FML.

  • Yes it would. I, like most 21st century humans, wake up for work and have free time after work.

    In practice for my relatively northern latitude this means I get a little bit of daylight before work (except perhaps around december/january), but winter time is very specifically designed so that today the sun will set exactly 6 minutes before I end my work day.

    Were we to keep permanent DST I would get an hour of free time in the daylight today, and at least a little bit of light outside for all winter except perhaps for a month around December. As it stands, I do not get any free time in sunlight for 5 days a week for the entire duration of ST. The switch to ST means “bye-bye sun” and I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I FUCKING HATE IT.

    The 24 hour clock is a made up construct. So are business hours. But if we already agreed to change one of these twice a year, can we make it so that it is not optimized to trap me inside for the entire duration of daytime???

  • The competitive scene happened. Can’t have meaningful competitive matchmaking against the same 100 players. People don’t just want to frag noobs, they want to grind the ladder to be able to say “I’m GE and you’re Gold, therefore I know for a fact I’m better than you”.

    This is a global phenomenon. Even goddamn chess has this, first thing players ask each other nowadays is “what’s your chess.com ELO”.

    I’m not a competitive player myself but I get why people rush after ELO progression. And it’s not much of a stretch to say CS, Valo, and especially chess wouldn’t have seen such widespread success without competitive ELO-based matchmaking.

  • C’est ma lecture aussi. J’avais trouvé la vidéo vilebrequin où ils boivent en roulant très irresponsable (et sylvain y est particulièrement con), et depuis qu’il a repris le format vilebrequin il a enchainé les formats vraiment dangereux (surtout pour ses invités). C’est du beau spectacle mais c’est aussi vraiment très con (je me permet de douter très fortement qu’ils étaient assurés pour jouer aux voitures tamponneuses à haute vitesse par exemple).

    Tout ça ne prouve évidemment rien mais ça colle au caractère du personnage.

  • azertyfun@sh.itjust.workstoFrance@jlai.lu*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    Oui du coup je crois qu’on est d’accord sur l’essentiel. Mon problème c’est cette focalisation sur la loi antisquat qui délaisse le débat de fond sur le logement social. Comme sur pas mal de sujets « de gôche » je pense qu’il faut travailler la dialectique, parce que là on sert du réchauffé pour ceux qui sont déjà d’accord sur le principe et on donne une opportunité en or pour la droite de se victimiser.

    « Loi antisquat : 25 % d’expulsions supplémentaires, mais (+/- xx % de logements sociaux en zone tendue) » ça aurait été beaucoup plus pertinent comme approche pour recentrer le débat sur une solution structurelle ÀMHA.

  • azertyfun@sh.itjust.workstoFrance@jlai.lu*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    Je ne suis vraiment pas de droite, et loin d’être multipropriétaire, mais 1 an de délai de paiement c’est… déjà beaucoup, non ? Que ça soit 1 an ou a fortiori 3 ans, si quelqu’un est tellement miséreux qu’iel accumule des mois d’impayés, c’est de toute façon un trou d’une profondeur désespérante dont l’espoir de se sortir est mince. Faire payer les bailleurs (directement) ou les locataires (indirectement, parce que les fonds d’assurances viennent bien de quelque part) ça ne fait que mettre une pression supplémentaire sur le marché du locatif pendant que les propriétaires se la coulent douce dans leur pavillon. Quand je lis les témoignages de français qui doivent quasiment filer toute leur correspondance sur trois ans pour prouver leur capacité de paiement d’un 15m², c’est vraiment profondément choquant.

    Pourquoi tant se focaliser sur le « droit » de squatter, plutôt que de mettre la pression pour construire plus de logements sociaux dans plus d’endroits (il me semble que vous avez le même problème qu’en Belgique avec les communes de richards qui refusent de construire du social) ? Le logement décent est un droit humain, et au moins ça répartirait la charge sociale sur toute la société plutôt que de la restreindre au marché du locatif. Enfin je sais pas c’est peut-être naif, mais intuitivement et sans être spécialiste de la question, rendre le marché locatif privé responsable (de manière aléatoire et inégale) des échecs du logement social ça ne me parait ni juste ni pérenne.

  • The main display that shows your speed,etc. randomly shutting down

    I know two people who had this exact issue with their new-gen Golf. First cause was the French language would crash the whole dash if you cycled the dashboard views (to my knowledge they never fixed the issue and the workaround is to set the car to English). Second cause was a malformed JPEG from a radio station would cause the dash to bootloop until you drove far enough from said radio station, which would allow the car to work long enough to disable that feature (IIRC).

    So yeah, QA is down the fucking drain with VW on their latest gen. They had a new CEO, and now a new one again I think? But the reputational damage has been done. Too bad, I really liked my '18 Polo.

  • You don’t need a data plan to call emergency services. Any protocol-compatible device can dial 911/112/etc. for free.

    This is why in remote areas your phone may say “Emergency Calls Only”. Your carrier isn’t available, but someone else’s is and they are legally obligated to route emergency calls.

    Of course if your car has a modem and a computer, adding a data plan isn’t a huge leap. But it’s a recurring expense and plenty of cars sold today do not have internet connectivity, at least on the cheaper side.

  • Anyone can fork at any time. The US gov could theoretically hold Wikipedia’s brand and servers hostage, but the actually valuable stuff is already mirrored in a decentralized fashion that is completely unrestricted under US and international law.

    EDIT: Maybe you meant that the US could covertly vandalize Wikipedia? Maybe, if they keep it very low-key. Editors are used to this kind of stuff though, it happens all the time from all governments since they can just, y’know, edit it. Anything actually impactful will be noticed by the editors which will just cause a fork.

  • Wikipedia also releases all content for free download under a permissive license, so I don’t think it’s fair to say that the US government is a meaningful threat to its quality of information, especially over non-English languages that are managed by an independent set of volunteers who could pack up their bags and move everything over wherever they want at any point.

    Still a cool project and technological diversity is good though.

  • Very good writeup.

    It actively forces your mind off those things.

    That’s the biiiiig thing for me. It’s incredible meditation. The road demands the rider’s full attention for short-time planning, spatial visualization, sensory inputs, and muscle control. It’s literally a matter of life and death. At the same time other parts of the brain aren’t required, so the mind wanders, but in a much subdued way where stormy thoughts turn into a calm flow.

    Stay left, look in, lean, apex, watch out for the pothole, left again, shift down ahead of the intersection, ok they are yielding, back on the throttle, shift up, don’t lean over the manhole covers, wow view’s pretty, hey pedestrians looking to cross let’s come to a smooth stop…

  • The much more general I’d give is don’t brake at speed. Well do if you have to, but afterwards look back and see how it could have been avoided with better planning. Outside of a handful of situations (offramps, downhills, some wild speed limit changes, and of course coming to a complete stop) engine braking is more than sufficient for any driver that actually anticipates and maintains a safe following distance. Not only is it much safer, forces you to think ahead, but it also greatly reduces fuel consumption.

    It’s also IMO the best way to ride a motorcycle spiritedly on the road.

    (However you should also know how to perform an emergency stop. Whether you’re in a car, on a bicycle, or a motorcycle, get on a straight and train for the hardest possible stop. It might save yours or someone else’s life someday. Crazy that some drivers don’t even know what their ABS feels like!)

  • That turquoise stuff and they skybox definitely aren’t real polygons. The trees on the left are kind of transparent. This is just midjourney or similar.

    However I reckon existing transformer architectures would manage to output 3D models just fine given sufficient training data and compute power. Generating grammatically-correct files is what GitHub copilot already does with other languages (I tried, it does not seem to support .obj though). It would definitely be interesting for procedural game generation, in fact I would be surprised to learn that nobody is working on something like this.