In early 1980s, driving to the mall right before Christmas with girlfriend and her mom in their ancient huge Caddilac. It’s a zoo. Girlfriend’s mom consipates the whole parking garage by driving poorly and gridlocking the place. People are honking and yelling at her. She hangs out the window and yells, in a strong Fran Drescher accent: “YOU DON’T HAVE THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!”
Just like everywhere else, the bad guys are the leaders killing people and creating hate to keep themselves in power, and the good guys are the people who are just trying to live their lives in dignity anr freedom. Both sides have both. You could make an argument that the leaders on one side arr worse because they have more deadly firepower at their disposal, but that seems like a moot point to me. The hate is the problem and the people who need it to stay in power are the bad guys.