Just started listening to Darknet Diaries last week. It’s really good, right from ep1.
Just started listening to Darknet Diaries last week. It’s really good, right from ep1.
Have you heard of sunlight?
Just Cause 3 is great fun.
I recently picked up Metro Exodus and it’s been a great experience.
God of War is OK,looks nice but felt a bit constrained and formulaic.
Something’s are so important they’re worth doing badly.
Find a radio station you enjoy and experience new to you music
I see you are a gentleman of fine taste 🧐
I’d be very happy to never hear a scandal described by having “gate” as a suffix.
For many real world, day to day tasks, computers and the software that ran on them were faster and easier to use 20 years ago.
Put your dishes in clothes washing machine and find out.
I’m saying ‘we’- humans, don’t enter in to it at all. Knowledge and prediction are human things. I’m saying they don’t apply to the universe itself which is what is running things. The state of things is what it is, irrespective of ourselves. We humans will never know enough to be able to predict perfectly, but that doesn’t mean the matter and nature aren’t running deterministicly.
The uncertainty principle says what the limits are on our knowledge of a given scenario, not that the universe which is running the show has such a limit.
We can’t predict it because we can’t possibly know everything. But unpredictably isn’t the same as randomness or implies nondeterministic behaviour.
I would say deterministic rather than predictable.
I think the universe is deterministic and that there isn’t something inside our heads that bypasses determinism and creates free will.
Unpredictability is not the same as free will.
In 2008 at about 22:30 waiting for some people after a meal in a deserted South African shopping centre, a man on a Segway rounds the corner towards me then disappears in to the distance.
If you move from twitter thinking it’ll not end up like twitter you’re wrong. It’ll go through the same growing pains process and you’ll end up right back where you started with nothing to show for it.
All of the “The Rest is…” Podcasts are great that I’ve heard- Entertainment, Football, Politics, Classified, Money.
No Such Thing As a Fish by the QI elves.
The Infinite Monkey Cage
Curious Cases