can this also be used for rust removal on metal?
Ive been using vinegar so far
can this also be used for rust removal on metal?
Ive been using vinegar so far
speak for yourself
license doesnt matter if you just link to it
ah yes, I went to pride because I want queer people to be quiet, sure.
beeing gay and proud of it is absolutely no problem. „oh, you dont want to suck my dick, youre homophobic“ is a problem.
I have absolutely zero issues with vegans in real life. The ones I have met and talked to are reasonable people. people who are happy you reduce consumption because you dont want to go all the way.
Online its a lot more radicalized. you can see this even here. do you think comments telling me to stop killing animals for meat do any good? quite the opposite. I think that person is unreasonable, doesnt have good discussion skills and quite frankly I think they are a dick for not engaging in the conversation.
they arent helping their cause. societal change happens gradually, and the conversation also needs to be gradual, otherwise you risk stepping on peoples toes, and that just ends up with people wanting to distance themselves from your movement.
edit: also I never said be quiet, I said dont be a dick about it
man, at this point all I can do is laugh at your lack of skill handling disagreements
thats one way to proove my point lol
what you dont seem to grasp is that there is a way to be yourself (gay) or have your opinions (you beeing vegan) without beeing an asshole about it.
I think people made it clear here that they werent interested in changing their opinions on eating animal(products), yet you continue to berate them. Do you realize that this causes the people you are talking to to get defensive, and less likely to change their opinion?
and this is why its a yellow flag. it can be a green one, or on your case, a red one.
Raising the issue isnt the problem. beeing a pretentious dick about it is.
kinda sounds weird from the outside since you cant proove you cant read. could just pretend
Id rather not see that
I love how many entries are about the troll
might also be a timezone issue
related in the US: safe harbor laws
honestly, any app that is in english and keeps her engaged. There are penpal apps, where you write people letters. or maybe something like microblogging or lemmy.
it is pretty boring indeed