Their population was unnaturally high and it’s better to not even exist in the first place than to suffer
This guy PETAs.
Their population was unnaturally high and it’s better to not even exist in the first place than to suffer
This guy PETAs.
Taylor Davis - Songs of the Lost Woods
Mostly a lot more money.
That certainly clears things up …
So … what is your question?
Congratulations, you’re one of the dickheads giving cyclists a bad name.
Everyone knows the FBI is in the pocket of big-chihuahua.
Not just your food, even the water. It’s full of H2O.
I would stop using lemmy.
There is really no point in changing a video from mp4 to mkv oder webm. It’s just the container. If the video doesn’t play on some devides its because of the codec. If you want it to play on as many devices as possible, You want your videos h264 encoded. For more modern devices you can use HEVC/h265 and safe some space on file size.
If use ffmpeg for conversion.
Something not defined as a chicken would have to lay an egg that hatched something defined as a chicken at some point. Otherwise we couldn’t have chickens.
Yep. But at least with our current definition of what a “species” (roughly a group of organism that can interbreed and have fertile offspring), that’s not possible.
If some not-chicken would lay an egg that hatches a chicken, that chicken would have nothing to breed with. It would basically be a genetic defect that makes it infertile.
but we can say that at some point some proto-chicken ancestor laid an egg that was different enough genetically that it counts as a chicken
This is not correct. At no point can the offspring in a single generation be differnet enough to be called a different species.
What we call “species” are just current snapshots of time. Species only make sense in a narrow timeframe. In reality things change very slowley over a large amount of time and there a no clear transition points.
If we count it as a chicken egg only, then it depends on if you describe a chicken egg as “an egg laid by a chicken” or “an egg that could hatch into a chicken”.
I think we watched the same youtube video on the topic!
The concept of “eggs” is way, way older then chickens. Fish lay eggs. So in this case, it’s definitly the egg that came first.
You can dig deeper, but eventually you end up on the what is a “chicken egg” and a “chicken” … which means you have to deal with taxonomy. And well, it’s just made up… so that doesn’t really lead anywhere.
So I say it’s the egg. final answer.
When did they give up? Lemmy is literally crawling with people that won’t shut up about linux.
That’s not an argument for banning nicotine in general. That’s an argument for banning smoking in public indoor places, which I think is already the case in most countries.
why is weed illegal
Now that’s a good question, very odd indeed. But I don’t know the answer.
Why should it be illegal?
No one is forcing you to huff it.
Years. Hell, it’s months since I’ve even seen one … and that was just because sometimes when you start your browser a page will load before the adblocker is loaded.
I’d rather be born into slavery than have some arrogant self-aggrandizing narcissistic cunt decide wether my life is worth living.