Yeah I didn’t notice at first but now you mention it the bellies are unsettling to say the least
Yeah I didn’t notice at first but now you mention it the bellies are unsettling to say the least
Incredible name btw lads
So is that enough for the modern warfare installer or
Aah merci pour l’explication! Je n’ai pas compris comment le résultat était calculé aussi rapidement - en Angleterre il faut attendre le matin pour connaître le résultat…
Excusez-moi, je regarde depuis l’Angleterre et je ne comprends pas - ce sont les résultats réels, ou juste les sondages? 🤔
Leurs chemises sont marron donc…
Given his luck, hopefully one or the other not both at once tbh
“We want people to be shouting, yelling at these things saying why, why won’t you work you stupid goddam piece of shit, why won’t you do the goddam thing you’re fucking supposed to”
Fucking amazing asklemmy 😂
Also lemmy: what a fucking legend. I heard his mole had its own post code.
Wow that’s fucking annoying Jesus
What’s that like then
I think now that I’ve moved most of my photo editing to my Mac and steam has propelled gaming on Linux into ‘very reasonable’ territory, it might be time to actually just ditch the ol’ windows. Only issue is I have an nvidia gpu atm unforch.
Wow I like this Elon guy less and less every time I read a headline about him
Science has finally gone too far
What about my favourite, ‘HM Revenue and Customs’
Excellent suggestion your grace
The transparency, the subtle neon green colouring
Very nice. Now let’s see Paul Allen’s desktop…
Well I’ve gone from being entirely indifferent to strongly disliking Google. I am actively and somewhat successfully in the process of de-googling. I encourage my friends to do the same, with some success. I think the writing is on the wall. Google seems to have no desire to maintain any sort of goodwill or positive feeling amongst the general public, whom it clearly views as a naturally occurring resource rather than a customer base. Nobody can predict the future but I don’t have a good feeling about the future of the company. Perhaps they will be able to diversify, but their recent actions show both that they deeply misunderstand their product and also that they lack good ideas about how to progress and evolve as an organisation. Fuck Google. All my homies hate Google.
Incredible gif btw