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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2024


  • Here’s a twist I just came up with. We experience time passing, because we’re sliding through it uncontrollably.

    Imagine a sled sliding downhill. If you wanted to stay still in time, that would take active effort. It’s like pushing against the sled to prevent it from sliding down. If you want to go back where you came from, it would take even more effort. It’s like climbing uphill.

    Also, I have zero evidence about any of this, which makes me 99% confident that time doesn’t really work this way. It just sounds like an appealing concept that should be a foundation of a scifi novel.

  • Amazing! I need to check how many of my cables actually follow this rule.

    Also, the socket side tends to be aligned in a particular way, but it won’t work with all manufacturers. I recall seeing some laptops that had their USB-A sockets upside down. Oh, and desktops too! Those sockets are usually vertical, and facing a wall, so it’s anyone’s guess which way is right.

  • The USB law.

    When you try to plug in a USB-A connector, there’s a 70% probability it won’t go in. Mathematically it should be 50%, but I don’t believe that.

    You switch it around, and there’s a 30% probability it won’t go in. This is not something they taught at school.

    You switch it around the third time, and there’s a 5% chance it still won’t go in. Your mind begins to melt down, you switch and insert repeatedly until it finally works sooner or later.

  • The days were short, cloudy, and freezing as they usually are in February. The sun rises and sets during working hours, so the only time to see it is during lunch break. You can forget about feeling the warmth of sunshine on your skin, though. The Nordic winter sun is pitifully weak, while the wind is brutal. Probably not a relevant detail today, though, because the grey shroud covers the sky again.

    Last Sunday, I went shopping, but my favorite tea store was closed. Of course it was. Apparently, I need to try my miserable luck during the weekdays. Porridge was aslo about to run out. I had enough for just one more morning. The mere thought of cramming myself into a crowded sardine can on rubber wheels to make my way to the nearest supermarket filled my heart with disgust and dread. Once in the bus, regret will undoubtedly join the party.

    The suffocating atmosphere wasn’t the only reason, though. As all remaining shreds of decency and withered human souls are sacrificed on the altar of capitalism, my hope for the future dwindles like a candle slowly running out of its pale fuel. I never really enjoyed supermarkets or the constant bombardment by intrusive advertisements in all forms: audio, visual, and even olfactory. Even though I don’t endorse or condone acts of violence, living in the city has made me somehow understand where some crazy people are coming from.

  • In 2001 there was that 9/11 thing and it sounded like WW3 had just started. Turns out, it didn’t. Well, lots of things did happen as a result of it, but WW3 wasn’t one of them. Soon after that, USA was involved in a number of wars in the middle east and it felt like WW3 had just started. Again, it didn’t. Some time around 2010s the tension between North Korea and South Korea was getting pretty intense, and a friend of mine started talking WW3… As usual, WW3 didn’t start.

    At the moment, the situation in Ukraine feels just like all the other major incidents, but we’ll see how it works out. If you expose your mind to tabloid journalism, it begins to feel like the entire world is about to explode. History has a tendency of repeating itself, so I suggest reading about the things that lead to WW1 and WW2. Once, you’ve done that, you’ll begin to pay attention to certain signs and start ignoring most of the nonsense tabloids keep writing about.