i would believe this if they hadn’t literally taken it away. it’s about oppression, simple as.
i would believe this if they hadn’t literally taken it away. it’s about oppression, simple as.
i know people are uncomfortable hearing this, but i am the same way. I’m already barely making it to work most days due to disability, i would probably literally get worked to death anyway. might as well spare them some satisfaction.
vocabulary.com: “When a person or an object has been altered or damaged in a permanent way, that’s a mutilation.”
it can desensitize the penis and cause health issues and/or sexual dysfunction (arguably its intended consequence). forced body alteration is mutilation
yes!! in my area we have O Cedar. life changing. you can get extra mop heads so much cheaper on eBay btw
why do you see marriage as the only acceptable form of commitment? just curious. in my opinion it takes more commitment to stay without legal ties involved.
dude. that super sucks. i had just graduated high school fortunately, but i was on bed rest for 7 months, i didn’t have a choice. i was unable to walk. didn’t help that i had pneumonia and bronchitis at the same time. lol
as someone who had it… no. lol
IDK, i was obsessed with that song as a teenager and learned to enunciate the whole song without knowing what it said. but, i have 99 Luftballons on my personal playlist so maybe i just like catchy foreign songs lol
this sucks, I’m sorry you’re going through it. i tend to tell people I’m autistic if i feel like i might be misunderstood, hoping that it’ll give them more understanding of me. but I’m learning that some people just don’t know how to handle that information respectfully.