Genealogy. I’ve done a couple of research projects for friends just because I find it interesting and challenging even if it’s not my family.
Genealogy. I’ve done a couple of research projects for friends just because I find it interesting and challenging even if it’s not my family.
Thanks for digging that source up, that’s interesting
I have never heard of that guy before three minutes ago, but your comment intrigued me and I couldn’t figure out why gay marriage legalization would make someone “flee” the country. So I looked at wikipedia. Supposedly the reason he left seems to be more related to legal issues involving his not paying child support, and it was to Luxembourg not Morocco.
It’s a pretty short article and maybe there’s an escape to Morocco as well that just didn’t make it into the article.
“They’re not in the office right now, can I put you to their voicemail?”
I never got that either. It’s clearly the best of the three from the new trilogy. I mean, low bar, but still
No one appears to have yet mentioned Forrest Gump. In the book he was a chess grandmaster who wrestled professionally and was an astronaut. Also, the book sucks.
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The first time I saw that movie it was actually in the theater on Christmas day. It was me, one elderly couple, and one other guy in the entire theater. The elderly couple got up and left before the title even made it on screen, and I was already laughing. I’ve watched it every single year since.