This game was inspired by Bejeweled.
However, somehow I believe your claim.
It does. And naturally, the more one practices, they become better at it.
And there is the element of chance: if the randomly generated grid is helpful (e.g. half solved), the easier and quicker it is solved.
Summing up seconds and moves seemed a fair way to mark one’s score. The analogy of each in the sum is purely arbitrary, and quite possibly subjective: Some people play based more with their reflexes, muscle memory, than calculation. Not everyone functions the same. However this is a fair point. Thanks for the feedback.
Glad you like it.
I haven’t used the rust version, but, with a glance, pretty much the rust replica as well as the c clone I wrote lead to more or less the same outcome as the bash original script. A mesmerizing effect.
Hey, this is your lucky day: You don’t need a github account.
All you need to do to easily install this project is to install git
Open a terminal.
If you are using a Debian-based distribution (ubuntu, linuxmint, pop_os etc), copy-paste this command:
sudo apt install git
If you are using an Arch-based distribution:
sudo pacman -S git
From there, follow the instructions on the repo.
Have fun!
If you need any help, do not hesitate to ask for it.
UPDATE: I have just added another animation option (hop), you can check it out here.
Watch the video.
oh boy, everything means something, all the names are taken.
More like something like eye candy, but it can also work like this.
he he, a gif posted would look yummy I think…
was inspired by this bash script:
It also is a variation of another project of mine:
yt-dlp works, magic-tape works, too, if you don’t mind terminal interface.