Interesting, I have found myself sexually attracted to some older women that aren’t really that attractive physically but they give off kind of a sultry vibe, but I couldn’t say I found them repulsive in any way, does that ring familiar?
Interesting, I have found myself sexually attracted to some older women that aren’t really that attractive physically but they give off kind of a sultry vibe, but I couldn’t say I found them repulsive in any way, does that ring familiar?
Wow, I completely forgot about Viber that’s amazing
I like the ui myself, and some of the apps are absolutely beautiful, I get you on the lack of engagement though, I’ve actually gone back and opened up a reddit account for this reason, I still love Lemmy and I’m certainly not giving up hope yet, but sometimes I just need more…
I had no idea Margot Robbie was such a prolific android enthusiast
Agreed, I just won’t bother
I think I want to love it just slightly more than I actually love it, there’s so much potential and I LOVE that it’s FOSS by it’s very nature but it’s a little lacking as it stands which has both negative and positive results
There’s a great app on fdroid called geddit that browses reddit without using the APIs so there’s no logging in or commenting, it might be useful for you
Lol yeah I know what you mean that bothered me a while ago too, I just wanted to check in
Cheers, will mention it to them!
I’ve just made myself a hexbear account because of the mentions on here, looks interesting
I know what some of those words mean
There’s good reason to love Lemmy, and since joining I’ve also gone very Foss and privacy centric but I just feel like it’s a bit quiet, maybe it’s just me
For me it seems to have wained a bit, I feel like a lot of casual users have gone silent recently, the content I’m seeing is more specific to niche topics and communities
Context and quality is key
They’re all good in their own ways, but I’m starting to wonder if lemmy is actually still alive, I see a lot of bot transfered posts from reddit which is cool but of course there’s no real interaction with them
I used to cut grass for the city, I feel this comment 100% and don’t get me wrong I think dogs are beautiful animals but holy shit their owners can be the worst, if you don’t want to pick it up what makes you think I want it all over my face and clothes? And yes, leaving your dog’s fecies in a bag just makes matters worse dumb arse, take it with you!
Thanks guys this is awesome!
I was very bolshy in deleting my reddit account and made a real solid commitment to only use Lemmy the instant that the api changes where announced, … Two months later and I started feeling a bit stranded, at times it seems like there’s nothing but content about programming, Linux, Foss, privacy, and Ukraine but at other times it can be really engaging…
However I have ended up making a new reddit account just so I can lurk from time to time