Also the battery life is not great, but you can buy a bigger battery (i didn’t try it). For basic use it’s a great little laptop if you put an SSD in it.
Also the battery life is not great, but you can buy a bigger battery (i didn’t try it). For basic use it’s a great little laptop if you put an SSD in it.
ThinkPad T420 (I’m kidding a bit, bit you can consider it if you find one extremely cheap)
There are always some players on Venice map.
µTorrent is the most popular non-FOSS one and its infamous for shipping woth some virus/spyware years ago. Many people who dont know better still use it.
FOSS (Free Open Source Software) is not only for free (non paid) programs, but also for open source programs.
Vivaldi is not 100% open source
Also i would add qBittorrent to the “great” list, and LibreCAD to the “wish it was better” list
i can fix her
I heard Brother is good. I’m sure there are better, but try to look into it
your survey expired
Also, wtf is this profile picture/newsletter prank?
In some countries (not sure about the US) its better to go for higher salary than perks because your retirement (pension) will be higher
It’s owned by the Chinese government
I’m using a 12 year old thinkpad and I’m a mechatronics student. The older your laptop, more techy you are.
Consinder buying USB 3.0 ExpressCard expansion