Man, you took it too real too quick
Man, you took it too real too quick
Because the soap bar might get stuck up in there
What’s the knot you are referring to??
To the other great responses here, I want to add that the act of creating cards for your deck, especially when you go beyond a straightforward multiple choice format, is in itself a form of study. To create a good test question usually you are digesting the information more deeply
I can imagine the appeal. Like watching insufferable influencers get their comeuppance
Hogg by Samuel Delany
Depends in what way you mean ‘wild.’ Crazy even psychedelic, but nonetheless benign? Or are we including disturbing?
Basketball court
Instead of RoboCop we’re gonna get those robot killer dogs from Black Mirror
I just don’t see how. They are equally indoctrinated into the societal constructs that are creating the problems. The “boomers” were equally and imperfectly against the negative operating principles of their society when they were younger. They got played. Now we are faced with even more powerful special interest group (the ultra rich), with even less checks and balances than during the past 80 years. And now we’re getting played too
As far as effort? You’re right
It’s really tough to push past and ignore that first part to get to answering your question. Like, that elephant taking up the whole room and trumpeting
I don’t want my parents to experience my death / want to make sure they are helped in their last years. I’ve told them that there’s an expiration onn that though. Like, you wanna live to 100? You’ll be doing it without me.
That summary history tho:
Why does AI imagery tend to have that weird particular style that is like, this image helped me realize, propaganda posters or 20th come to Jesus pamphlets?
I appreciate this take
On CL there’s a dedicated place to seek roommates and no shortage of people seeking that arrangement. Not clear why people spam the apartment rental section
My pet peeve with Facebook listings, although it happens on craigslist too, is people advertising as if it’s a rental for an apartment to yourself but then it turns out it’s a share housing situation
Where are real listings found, instead?
Right? There are a handful of users that I’d expect here but don’t see