Reading articles and books
Reading articles and books
You likely also participate in rituals that were taught to you that are not solely grounded in logic or science. Do you do things in a certain order for no reason other than your parents taught you to do so? Do you avoid eating certain foods because you never ate them growing up?
People who are raised religious may not be fanatic believers, but they may still be “culturally religious” e.g. take part in Ramadan, avoid eating pork, because that’s the way they grew up, and a lot of the time it means they can be included in cultural matters of the community they come from.
As for why some people are proper religious, fully believing and all, I also don’t think all beliefs have to be rational. Some beliefs are comforting. If it helps someone to get through a difficult time by believing there’s a higher power rooting for them, or who has pre-planned their suffering for a greater good, they may choose to believe that because it’s mentally easier. Arguably that is a rational belief anyway because it benefits you and makes your life easier to get through.
Nice. Are you posting to Lemmy from the terminal? Also how did you take this screenshot?
No. I’ve noticed that I shouldn’t cook or eat red food with a white top but I bought an apron for that reason. Outside of cooking and eating, I’ve not had any problems with stains.
Also stains are not a huge deal. I only get rid of clothes if they are completely falling apart and not fixable with a sewing machine.
No. I don’t think it grows quickly enough to be able to make a noticeable difference to temperature
My bad then, idk what that is so disregard my answer.
One that hasn’t been mentioned in the comments so far:
Also not magazines, but two excellent contemporary communist journals:
I don’t live in the US but I tip around 20%, sometimes more or less depending. Tbh I’m never sure what tipping etiquette is supposed to be here, but if it’s obvious how much the worker is getting (eg ride shares or food delivery where you can see the delivery fee), I tip them how much I think is reasonable to be paid for that job, which is usually quite a bit more than I’m charged for the service. And ofc not all of the initial charge goes to the worker anyway.
If you run any proprietary software connected to the internet then it can send this info to whomever. If you use a regular web browser with Javascript enabled then a lot of this info can also be obtained by whatever website you’re visiting.
You mean conditioner? I wash my hair when I get into the shower and leave the conditioner in while I wash the rest of my body, then once I’m done I rinse my hair out. So it stays in for however long it takes to clean the rest of my body.
For an actual IDE, Jetbrains. But I rarely need an actual IDE and will just generally use Vim for everything.
Do you eat enough in general (eg 3 meals a day, you don’t feel hungry most of the time)? It’s not hard to meet the basic nutritional goals by just eating what you want when you want. Protein is in everything so it’d be quite hard to be significantly deficient if you’re not starving.
I don’t think I’d kill me. I think it would be cool for one of us to commit a brazen crime in broad daylight whilst also having a rock-solid alibi. I couldn’t have killed that person; I was giving a speech to 100 people at the time who can all testify for me. Give detectives etc a real head-scratcher when all the evidence points towards me being the culprit but I was also undeniably somewhere else.
I use a table knife. If I had long nails I’m sure they would do the trick though; they aren’t that strong
Maybe, but I don’t particularly feel the need to use a portal gun. If I never end up using it I don’t think I’d have particular regrets, but if I used it to save my ass during a high-stakes situation then I’d be quite glad.
Save it. I don’t have anything currently that I would want to use a portal gun on given that I can only use it once. I might use it to get myself out of a sticky situation, or wait to see if I ever move into a relatively permanent home and I could make a portal from my house to another location for convenience.
You can say USAmerican or US (as an adjective, e.g. US government) as a neutral demonym. “Yankee” and “gringo” have pejorative connotations, although I’m not Latin American so I don’t know what the connotations are among LatAm Spanish speakers. Also, my understanding of the word “gringo” as someone who lives in neither of the Americas is that it refers to specifically white people, not USAmericans in general. I’m not sure if I’ve understood the usage of the term correctly, but if other people have the same understanding, they may get confused if you call eg a Black USAmerican a gringo.
Tbh, a pet that’s friendly and tameable like a dog but physically a wolf would be cool. I think wolves are very cute.
I agree it wouldn’t be right for her to pay off your mortgage. But I think either 50/50 or proportionate to income (i.e. 1.3/1) splitting of bills, groceries, and other costs incurred by the both of you, is reasonable. But you’re in relationship, not a contract, so do discuss this with her and see what the both of you would prefer.
A centrist mainstream national newspaper to be aware of what the political mainstream is concerned about.
Al Jazeera for international news.
Articles sent to me by friends and comrades for news on more specific matters that may not make more mainstream news.
And groupchats and internal publications of organisations I’m in for both more politically-relevant news (eg news of local strikes that often aren’t otherwise reported on) and commentary.