“Monitors” are smaller.
And the minimum cost of entry to anything reasonably sized is double to triple. Changing some settings is well worth it.
“Monitors” are smaller.
And the minimum cost of entry to anything reasonably sized is double to triple. Changing some settings is well worth it.
By existing. (Yes, that’s the only argument they made. There is no assertion that anyone associated with Yuzu “cracked” (not necessary) or actively distributed TOTK.)
It’s a distraction. It’s literally impossible for it to be relevant unless the yuzu project page hosted TOTK files.
No, it’s not.
The case Sony lost also relied on the end user having a blob of Sony’s code. A user using their own key and a blob of Nintendo’s firmware, which is the official stance of Yuzu on the correct way to do so, is exactly the same thing. There’s nothing new to be litigated. Every part of Yuzu is very clearly legal.
The fact that it was used to play a game before official release straight up cannot possibly be relevant. It’s a distraction. The project isn’t, and isn’t capable of being, responsible for anything but its own code.
Emulation has also been litigated to hell and is also very clearly legal.
If the source isn’t available at all, yeah. Which is why I brought up the FTC to begin with (since Google is in the US).
But I doubt they’d act if the license isn’t permissive enough.
The FTC takes action against false advertising.
“Open Source” doesn’t have a singular legally relevant definition no matter what organizations claim otherwise, though.
If your stuff runs on Proton with minimal performance penalty, why put resources into not-proton?
Board chairman Donald Parker said the move to end broadcasts was more to address the question of whether $8,000 spent on the taping was worth the low viewership than it was a transparency issue.
How the fuck are you spending that much? Just get a shitty camera pointed at the stage or whatever with one shitty mic and a shitty camera/mic pointed at wherever you have citizens comment, plug it into a shitty laptop, and send to YouTube.
No one needs 4K with professionally mastered audio.
Maintaining another account is maintaining another account.
It absolutely is meaningful friction, and it absolutely is a perfectly valid reason not to engage.
I had the same issue once. I suspect that whatever version had been the default was removed for one reason or another, even though I never manually remove them.
You need to set a default compatibility tool for games that don’t have one. I don’t remember exactly where to find it and don’t have access to look right now, but it’s not really hidden in the settings menu.
They’re the exact same thing. There is no distinction that can theoretically be made.
The reason projects are choosing GitHub over alternatives is because they know, with certainty, that they will get far less interaction with their project anywhere else.
User count absolutely matters for code hosting platforms, and it absolutely is a social network. Network effect is critical and the entire premise of this article.
But 99% of people won’t. Choosing that platform massively shrinks your community.
I’m not saying don’t do it and try to grow that ecosystem if you want to. I’m all for federated becoming the standard going forward. But don’t judge people not wanting to massively compromise their project with a platform that actually is massively worse because it doesn’t have people there.
But, to be clear, I am not asking you to use inferior platforms for philosophical or altruistic reasons.
Except you just called people selfish for it a paragraph up. A platform that depends on human interaction without humans to interact with is an inferior platform regardless of technical merit.
Going where people are isn’t selfish. It’s rational.
Codecs for one.
Orange Pi is a brand that has some recognition as a Raspberry Pi knockoff. Presumably it’s the same people leveraging that existing brand.
I don’t know if he’s correct on low power use cases, but the cooling is way more about the high power use cases.
The steam deck can chew through it’s battery in ~2 hours or last something in the neighborhood of 8-10 depending what you run on it.
Probably because they use MacOS.
Discord supports threaded topic based formats as well.
The reality is that for a lot of interactions, a live chat feels better than a forum post. You can very easily do both on discord, though.
It’s not perfect, but the alternatives that aren’t a whole project by themselves building a tool don’t have feature parity, or the user base.