This doesn’t contain any of the actual game characteristics though, it’s just the engine.
This doesn’t contain any of the actual game characteristics though, it’s just the engine.
Because they are your investors?
My understanding is VK group is developing something on their engine.
Gaijin founders are Russian, they have major investors which are Russian, developers which are Russian.
While I’m not going to bet on it one way or another I would not be surprised if it was to avoid sanctions in order to keep contractual obligations / make Russian investors happy.
There have been some theories floating around that they did this to avoid sanctions so they can share code with related Russian companies.
+1 for boric acid. Stuff is a miracle powder.
Okay, instead of posting rage bait can you show me that more people are dying in/from Tesla’s then other vehicles per mile driven?
And just to be clear, I don’t own a car. Nor do I care for Teslas. But you can’t claim it’s a dangerous car while not comparing it to the rest of the industry. Cars in general are really fucking unsafe.
All cars kill people. Don’t Tesla’s have a pretty decent safety rating?
A lot of ppl lose a lot of the sensitivity after getting it done.
In “Theory” it would drive down priced and the people buying from these places would have more money to spend elsewhere.
Theory in air quotes because regardless if it work out in the end it still takes away a lot of power from labors.
I can get total ban but why a ban on amount?