I would love to have an open, hackable, linux-based eBook reader.
I would love to have an open, hackable, linux-based eBook reader.
The community has been very calm and respectful so I’ve never really had to think about the moderation. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a deleted comment for example, and I’ve certainly never seen a hateful post or comment.
Other than that, the admin, db0 is quite left-leaning (or at least anti-capitalist), but so am I, so it never really bothered me.
To be completely honest, this is the only instance that I have an account in, so I can’t really compare it to the others, but it just felt like home to me.
When the reddit went bad I started looking for anti-corporate communities that would migrate.
r/cyberpunk was the first place I checked, but there was no discussion about migrating at all there. r/selfhosted was another obvious idea but people there seemed very reluctant as well.
The only sub that pointed to some clear migration path was r/piracy. I really appreciate the integrity of dbzer0 in this situation.
I actively took part in creating the Lemmy banner on r/place over the past few days.
I know it brings traffic to Reddit, but I don’t really care if the IPO brings them a few more dollars because of my 7 fake accounts.
Yes, and they’ve made some profit-driven decisions, such as pocket integration, but never on the level of what google does.
That’s why I’ve said they are far from perfect (but the best we have).
May I ask what are you using now?
iirc the firefox javacript interpreter is much slower than chrome’s. I guess the lag is most noticable in JavaScript heavy sites?
Yep. I was very young at the time but what I remember is firefox being spoken of as kind of a “hack” to make everything web-based faster compared to IE.
Then chrome came out and firefox was completely replaced. It felt like an instant change. Anyone that knew anything about computers was using chrome.
I think that chrome is still living off its glorious past.
While Mozilla is far from perfect, I think they’ve managed to avoid getting shitty for almost 20 years.
Thank you for the kind wodrs. Sadly I’m not looking for an app for myself but for my girlfriend.
I got my BA in the UK years ago, and I’ve made a fool of myself plenty of times, both culturally and linguistically. And you’re absolutely right, it really is the only way to properly learn a language.
If you’re looking for efficiency, nothing beats a static website.
You’re right. When you put it like that, calling it obscure sounds like an exaggeration. Though it’s probably one of the least spoken Slavic languages.
I fully agree with you about having real conversations with real people. The thing is, you need some confidence before being able to speak the language, especially to native speakers. And for some people that comes with a bit of practice by themselves. Thats what I find apps like Duolingo help with.
You see, one of the goals is to be able to enjoy media in English together. The problem is that she quickly gives up after encountering too many unfamilliar words or constructs.
Thats why I’m looking for an app to help her get a bit more confident.
That’s what we’ve been trying so far, but unfortunately it does not work for her.
Just took the test for myself and it looks very promising. Thanks!
I thought I shouldn’t doxx myself so much, but whatever. Our native language is Bulgarian.
@alokir@lemmy.world (is that how I tag people?)
I guess you can use wormhole to transport the data to your peer, and if you’re extra paranoid encrypt it asymmetrically with something like age.
Then again you can just encrypt it with age and send it over Signal. There should be no risk involved in sharing public keys even if you don’t trust their servers.
Fourth. I loved it so much when I was younger that it influenced my main username.
Completely agree with you. I’m definitely underqualified to speak of this, as I have no children, but I have a masters degree in pedagogy, started a PhD in pedagogy years ago that I never finished and briefly worked as a teacher, but I’ve never once in my life saw as little as a proper article with any proof that belief in Santa is in any way beneficial to a child’s developement.
Moreover I honestly believe it’s detrimental. Such belief often leaves children in poor families disappointed and resentful when they see their friends get much more impressive gifts. On top of that such belief leads to ungrateful and entitled behavior in children as they believe they are owed a present, without understanding the sacrifices their parents have to make to buy this present.
Tldr: Please don’t make your kids worship capitalist mascots, if you want them to have a magical childhood just read them a book or spend quality time with them.