Tape is still the best long term storage medium though.
Tape is still the best long term storage medium though.
… I still have probably 100 blank DVDs and a hundred blank CDs.
But I also have a 3.5" floppy drive so I’m not a good measure to go by on these things.
I told them up front that Xfinity isn’t available at my new address but they had to ask all the questions anyway.
That’s wild.
When I canceled with them (about 4 years ago) I said I moved and they dont service the area, and that was the end of it.
Though I should have suspected Comcast would find a way to get worse.
I’d happily crap on them for being an e-waste factory, for making it insanely hard to install anything outside of their app store, etc.
This ain’t it. This is nothing.
Well yeah, that’s half the fun
Or a fully themed, punctuation inspire flick. Named “character” to let you fill in the blanks.
Char 1: Well what do you think Mark?
Char 2: Are you sure she can handle it, Point?
Char 1: Its time we’ve shown
Char 2: our true power…
Together: As Interrobang!
Char 3: No wait, I’ve got my per…
… OK it needs to be reworked, but you get the idea.
That’s not really what’s in there.
Its a collection of easily verifiable public statements, twitter posts, interviews, etc, of which some go against the GOP or the Trump approved messaging.
There is nothing salacious, no pictures of his good times with couches, or claims about his infatuation with drag.
Just regular background check stuff.
I’ve definitely trimmed some artists from my personal music library over their politics.
Yup, xmpp is the way to be still IMO.
Yes but it wasn’t marketed that way. Which is why there is more interest.
Apple has been blatantly obvious that they want it to remain proprietary and exclusively on their hardware.
Because imessage is proprietary and apple is against it being publicly available and a standard.
Windows? Mouse without borders
Linux/Mac/mix of that and windows? Barrier.
If, of course, you can install things on your work laptop.
I’d say the / should be a > but agreed.
I don’t think they’d have thin blue line decor though…