When have that happened? Within the fediverse?
When have that happened? Within the fediverse?
The thing about the fediverse is that it’s incredibly easy to make an instance and they are all compatible. So if any instance becomes evil people just have to seamlessly move away.
It’s not like twitter where if the owner become evil there’s nothing to do. Here you just move instance and be done with it, still the same platform, still the same users.
I kind of disagree. In the sense that people have multiple interests and identities.
If you are a french person who likes anime and technology. Where so you sign up, to the French instance, the anime one, the one focused on technology? You have to make and maintain one account for every interest you have?
I think instances should be bland an irrelevant. Like email addresses. They should say nothing about the users of that instance. Imho, the goal should be that people just sign in in the most convenient instance and should not have to think again in which instance they are.
It’s not an issue. As long as .social is able to maintain the load.
The good thing about decentralization is that at any moment anyone could open a new instance and it would work perfectly fine. It does not matter if one instance have more or less users.
If it lowers the entry barrier it is welcome. It should not matter at all.
I trust my will to do it. But I will fail for two reasons:
I don’t fully understand humans. I will try a world that would be perfect if everyone would be like me. Problem? That’s not the world we live in.
Even with all the money and a good plan I’m a bullet away from the ground. And I’m pretty sure anyone trying to fix things becomes a priority target right away.
It used a problem that was talked about a lot in the latest century. Then some countries reduced their nativity by their own and it was marked as “it’s going to solve itself”.
Problem is, population keeps growing worldwide. Even in these countries with reduced nativity, population keeps growing via immigration.
Also the main drive on reduced nativity was increase of the quality of life and feminism. I think both things are in danger. Quality of life has been descending in later years, and feminism is being eaten by an increase in religious madness all across the world.
So I think overpopulation is still going strong and it will keep going stronger. And it will be a self induced problem, because overpopulation will reduce quality of life, and a reduced quality of life will make people breed more.
I actually think is the number one problem, way more dangerous that climate change. Because, among other things, there’s nothing more polluting than a human being, the more humans in this Earth the more impossible will be fight back climate change. Humans pollute.
And the worst is that no one cares about this issue, and people tend to become very violent when you mention it as a problem.
It doesn’t make any sense. If you are a whistleblower is because you already published the information. They are not killing you so the information does not get revealed. They are killing because you already did.
I’m already smart and beautiful.
Isn’t there a genie out there that cures anxiety?
Longer posts. More control over formating. Easier to post more types of media.
And maybe it’s less of a “social” media, and more of a “personal” project.
Maybe it’s 90s nostalgia talking, but I miss those cool personal webpages.
I do have and use Mastodon. But more and more I keep thinking that traditional blogs + rss are a better fit for me.
Taking a walk every day helps improve the mood on my dopamine deprived brain.
Sometimes the person you really need to trick with psychology is yourself.
I wouldn’t pay for anything that should be one time payment and own forever. That include games.
We truly need those trisolarians to speed up.
Protozoa on the bottom of the ocean do not care about fascism. Protozoa just need nutrients.
If you are not using a magnetic needle and a steady hand, can you even call yourself a programmer?
Because here it’s not normal to leave food at work.
That’s why I can be so chill at it.
I legitimately though Oregon was a State, I didn’t know it was also a city.
From my country I’m going to be generous and say Barcelona. Second biggest city here. I doubt next bigger cities are universally known.
Probably some filter would be needed. Like a list of curated instances.
Imagine if the geographically closest is the Furry instance.
It is. Both lemmy and Mastodon.
I cannot use Reddit or Twitter anymore.
Threads tried and failed to do that with mastodon. I think the fediverse is well thought to prevent that even by big actors.