Is there any mod you know for making the world larger/infinite?
I was a big fan of just traveling in Minecraft and finding new areas along the way. But minetest space constrains seems not to fit that playstyle unless there’s a mod I don’t know of.
Is there any mod you know for making the world larger/infinite?
I was a big fan of just traveling in Minecraft and finding new areas along the way. But minetest space constrains seems not to fit that playstyle unless there’s a mod I don’t know of.
I’m Spanish. And really, that judge is just in the pocket of the spanish media corporations. Telegram is used by 8 million spanish users daily for lots of different things.
Recently the UE forced WhatsApp to open a protocol so it can be compatible precisely with Telegram to avoid a monopoly.
If telegram elevates to the european court due to abuse of the spanish authorities they should win.
Renaming the files wont change the filetype.
Also the images won’t loose quality for looking at them, opening or moving them. Only if you reapply the jpg compressing algorithm over them.
I dont think I’ve ever click on an ad on purpose. I’ve clicked for mistake I closed right away. Never ever bought anything from an ad.
Don’t kink shame. It’s their kink and we have to respect it. They like it rough.
Same here.
Still on liftoff. Works good enough for now though it’s true ghat updates are scarce right now.
I would love to end reddit boicot.
But the reddit app font is just to tiny for me use, and you can’t change it without changing your whole phone font. I tried red reader but it is so ugly I can’t use it.
So here I am, still boicoting reddit. I suppose it’s not even a boicot anymore. I just don’t like the product anymore.
More things used to be free on internet 10-20 years ago.
Also the rich used to be less rich, and the poor less poor.
So clearly paying overpriced services for everything is not making anything better.