ZX Spectrum. That is all.
ZX Spectrum. That is all.
And likely Crowdstrike will have their own insurance. At the end of the day, it’s just gamblers sitting at the table, moving the chips around.
10 years of idle time in 10 years. Did you just like leave a computer switched on for 10 years while you took up farming?
Partially. The summary isn’t quite in line with the detail:
Android is the only operating system that fully immunizes VPN apps from the attack because it doesn’t implement option 121. For all other OSes, there are no complete fixes. When apps run on Linux there’s a setting that minimizes the effects, but even then TunnelVision can be used to exploit a side channel that can be used to de-anonymize destination traffic and perform targeted denial-of-service attacks.
Just archive it and take up farming.
How often did you catch it disappearing?
It’s in the article:
This swapping is powered by an OpenType feature called “contextual alternates,” which is widely supported by both operating systems and browser engines.
Light vs dark adapted. In bright light, the best wavelength is longer.
From that source:
At threshold sensitivity, the human eye can detect the presence of about 100-150 photons of blue-green light (500 nanometers) entering the pupil.
So I guess either blue or green leds are good for this application, and green much cheaper…
“Almost at the deadline” and starting to collect data. Sounds familiar.
What’s your research question? Your list of questions seem quite unfocused and broad.
I’ve also find mpv about a thousand times faster to start up.
True—my work paying for it is another disincentive to not move elsewhere. It’s basically not reached the tipping point for me yet but will do one day.
Despite the breach, LastPass has been pretty solid for me for over a decade. Syncs across devices, easy sharing between family members, etc. If your master pw and iteration counts are in the green, even them losing your data is relatively low risk, apart from exposing the sites you have accounts for, which is equal parts privacy & security issue. If I wasn’t so invested in LP, I would probably go elsewhere but since the horse has bolted…
I’ve also heard good things about Bitwarden and KeePass but can’t speak to how easy they are to set up.
An AI-written article from early 2019?
Yes, the date could be fake. But there’s also a reason the AIs write the way they do…
“Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.”
Not sure if this helps, as I’m not 100% certain how I set this up (it was too long ago), but by giving my rpi a hostname I can simply use ‘pizero.local’ from my desktop machine. I don’t run a DNS server per se but maybe look into that kind of dhcp / dns option?
In fact, see this for some similar hyperbole and sentiment.
Definitely LLMs have been over promised and/or misrepresented in mainstream media, but even in the last few months their utility is increasing. I’m a big advocate of finding ways to use them to enhance people (thinking partner not replacement for thinking). They are most certainly a tool, and you need to know their limitations and how to use them.
From experience working with naive end users, they are anthropomorphising based on how the models have been reported and that’s definitely not helpful.
As the models get more and more capable (and I’m pretty happy to make that prediction), will they reach a point where they are indistinguishable from the output of a real person? That will give us some challenges. But the interesting thing for me is that when that happens, and the AI can write that report you were paying someone to write, what was the point of the report? You could argue they were some kind of terrible UBI and we’ll end up with just the pointless output without the marginal benefit of someone’s livelihood. That needs a bigger rethink.
Better for one obscure use case? Or just ‘better’? That’s the real issue here. OpenAI have an agenda (publicly, a helpful assistant, privately, who knows…). They’re not really interested in a system that can identify prime numbers.
That has a little too much rhythm for me. I’d recommend some Fushitsusha