Growing up in west Texas, I talked to one uber-Baptist who for some unfathomable reason believed that the Catholics “worship Mary”, therefore they don’t follow the “there is only one God” rule and therefore aren’t Christian.
Growing up in west Texas, I talked to one uber-Baptist who for some unfathomable reason believed that the Catholics “worship Mary”, therefore they don’t follow the “there is only one God” rule and therefore aren’t Christian.
Biggest problem I see is its inability to embed images and other multimedia.
That’s one of its best features as far as I’m concerned, and one of the reasons I still use it every day.
Really only to get notifications of weather stuff from my local NWS office.
Is there some rule I wasn’t aware of that you must own a home in order to give out candy on Halloween?
At 18, you presumably live SOMEWHERE. Nothing stopping you from giving out candy at that residence.
Note: this is not an endorsement that you shouldn’t be allowed to trick or treat at 18. Simply pointing out that your specific argument is bullshit.
I guess typing “less than 1” is too much for you.
When I lived in Silicon Valley in the late 90s, I used to commute on I-280 to Menlo Park. It was an absolute joy of a drive.
There’s a reason it’s often called “The World’s Most Beautiful Freeway”.
Actually the average would be LESS than 1 of each.
Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Sure, there are plenty of musicians who had a bigger impact on music as a whole, but NOBODY I’ve ever seen was more in tune with the universe than Stevie when he was playing.
As far as I can tell, he didn’t actually play the guitar. He just acted as a conduit to channel music directly from the universe through a guitar. I don’t think he ever once had to pause and consider what to play next when he was improvising, it just flowed out of him non-stop.
He had already started getting even better, having finally gotten sober, and it kills my soul every time I think about what else he could’ve given us had he not gotten on that helicopter.
Play the game in whatever way is most enjoyable to you.
This was a great game! And it actually looked damned good for the time.
This right here. All the UIs these days are so flat! It drives me nuts. I can’t tell where the background ends and a button begins. I’m streaming services in my Shield and Roku, I can’t tell which movie or episode is actually selected. It’s fucking infuriating.
A ‘wagyu’ New York Strip for $120.
It was okay but really not worth it. I’ve made better steaks on my grill at home with $10 worth of Select Grade NY Strip.
I wouldn’t go further back than the birth of my daughter, because there’s no way I’d take the chance to not have her in my life, no matter what I might wish to change from before that. That said, I’d like to change a few things since, so I’d probably do that.
If there’s anything that is absolutely atrocious as a searchable repository of knowledge, it’s social media.
Nonsense, I’ve seen it multiple times. It’s a favorite of mine. A sequel on the other hand was, ‘meh’ at best.
Be the change you want to see in the world…
Heck most of the hard work is already done for you, since the software that runs Wikipedia is open source.
Which are part of human knowledge.
I have to imagine that Lawnmower Man is in the running. Talk about having nothing at all to do with the ‘book’ , (well, short story anyway).
I have the same issue with Keepass2Android. I think the issue is with Android itself rather than the password app.