And I’ve found loads of walnut shells in nooks and crannies. I’m not going to cut a black walnut down.
Buildings need to be built properly to exclude animals regardless.
And I’ve found loads of walnut shells in nooks and crannies. I’m not going to cut a black walnut down.
Buildings need to be built properly to exclude animals regardless.
Trees in general do all of those horrible things you mentioned.
shitty…fixer upper
You have the best kind of house! Since its market value is already low you don’t have to worry about all the stupid shit people fret over when their house is too valuable.
What’s leaking?
How old are the cracks? If they’re old, then whatever shifted already happened and no longer matters. Just keep an eye for new ones. Like a casual eye. Don’t obsess over it.
no perfect fix
And if you need convincing, go measure some parts of your house. Peak around in places and see how its actually assembled compared to how you thought it would be. Then realize it hasn’t fallen over yet, so maybe perfection doesn’t matter.
A reprap style project could probably make a passable document printer- but what’s the appeal? People only work on those projects to make new or previously unobtainable machines available.
I just don’t think it’d be worth the effort.
And have you ever read the forms? I don’t know if writing the software could be seen as tax advice or filing on behalf of someone.
Probably not. But its enough that I wouldn’t be interested in working on the project.
But isn’t all velocity relative?
must be traversed in one direction
See that’s the part I’m not so sure of. At least for all information transfer. Matter is likely too weighty to go against the current.
But time “feels” like a plane where traversal is just beyond my fingertips.
Or I’m just in the really early phases of dementia.
Time probably isn’t real.
I don’t know what to do with that information. It’s just a weird gut feeling.
where legally, “sell” includes things that most people wouldn’t consider a sale
Allowing access for valuable consideration is pretty cut and dry. What is the legislation defining beyond that?
stifle reverse engineering for interoperability.
Nothing will get better until the rent seekers are cast out of the temple.
I read somewhere someone supposed it had to do with SoftBank building out data centers to host this nonsense.
Which, given the history of SoftBank’s investing, is utterly hilarious and appropriate.
Its fascinating that millenarians have now latched on to software developed for fraud and generating non-consensual pornography.
The rate of profit continues to decline because of overcapitalization. Factions are aligning to decapitalize rivals in order to increase their own rate of profit.
Also, they’re all manic and dissasociated.
grander environmental reasons
No. Humans are not separate from “nature”.
Know the terrible intentions of “environmentalists” who would put you in battery cages.
Edit: Apparently, this touched a nerve. Let me say this: my experience with actually existing urbanism was a repulsive, mind numbing waste of several years that probably took even more years off of my life due to air/noise/light pollution. I have no problem with the concept of living near other humans- but I see few examples of such in my country that I could tolerate.
“Source available” grifter.
Well, yes. The US military is typically not deployed against people who can defend themselves.