They knew that their attacks on gay people weren’t as popular as they once were so they are taking the exact same tactics and language and moving it towards Trans people. It both predictable and sad at the same time
They knew that their attacks on gay people weren’t as popular as they once were so they are taking the exact same tactics and language and moving it towards Trans people. It both predictable and sad at the same time
Queer folk always get swept up with porn, cishet only see us as a “kink” and assume our existence is entirely sexual.
This is the whole point of these porn bans is to remove queer people from the internet. The porn cover just allows it to happen. So whenever you see anything about porn bans think queer ban first and then some porn removal that comes right back
Thank you. We will try to cherish moments and remind ourselves we wanted this
Great suggestions. Its not at my library but I will look into it.
I have heard the “Nap when new baby naps” advice before. We will try to do it
No rush. One of the best things about Lemmy is how slow it is. We can have worthwhile threads and discussions for weeks
My wife and I went to a friend’s wedding in France to a French national in his small town. We were surprised and impressed with the small kids at the wedding. There was nothing child specific for them and they had a great time. Also I’m pretty sure they stayed up later celebrating than us. Good suggestion
Well Emily Oster’s crib sheets is at my library. So I’m adding it to my list
Thank you. Reading things helps me feel calmer and like I am preparing.
I considered reading the Mayo Clinics Guide but I will table it. Heading Home With Your Newborn is on my list now
I love to read many different valuable books so I can get some diverse ideas to come up with. If you can get some suggestions from your librarian wife that’s what I’m looking for
That’s true but I would still like to fill my brain with some knowledge for my guts to draw on.
The invasion of Iraq was a great decision. The region will be much safer
I know. I hate it. I don’t know why
We need a better second person plural in English. Y’all works but its a big language gap
The best thing about being in the Midwest is you have to fly to anywhere cool. The worst thing about being in the Midwest if you have to fly anywhere cool.
I love Goblins as well so I always make mine Pathfinder inspired so they will be green with a big head who love fire and general chaos instead of orange like dnd goblins. They are always fun since they like to straddle the lines between disgusting, cute, destructive and helpless. I know my players always will befriend them so I like to put a lot of them in there.
I also like to treat them like cockroaches or fruit flies who breed very fast and can adopt to any conditions. So there will be strange variations based on where they live. Mud goblins, fire goblins, moss goblins who just have small physical adaptations to better fit their habitat.
I don’t know if you would call Hobbits Halflings monster races but they are my favorite. I love the way Eberron did them with their mark of hospitability so they have special magic to make everywhere more comfortable and good things just happen to them. I love how they just took the fearlessness and everything good from Kinder and just wrapped it into regular hobbits halfings.
If a dragon is looking down on us magic less short lived specifies as trash what is the point? I want my dragons innately magical in strange ways, clever and older. I enjoy a rampaging dragon but even better if they are doing it on purpose
I love the classic elves and dwarves as fantasy races. They don’t give a shit about our human centric concepts of gender roles. Dwarf women have large beautiful beards and elf men wear long flowy clothing with their long scented hair.
Really anything that shows or hints that any part of their “natural” order is something created. Gender is a big one but anything