On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a human.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Another common argument is that it’s very resource intensive and wastes energy. This is true, but there’s no reason to believe this won’t be optimized. In fact, we’ve already seen a lot of optimizations happen in just a few years that now make it possible to run models that used to require a data centre to run on a laptop.

    On the matter of “collectible”, how is it even ontologically sound to “collect” things that are expressily produced as collectibles? You collect things, coins, paintings, stamps, phone cards, even gaming cards. All things that exist in their own merit that you choose to collect, usually giving them value according to their accidental rarity.

    With this shit you are not collecting, you are just purchasing.

  • Let’s simplify the “riddle”.

    It states: a number is 1 plus half that number.

    What is a quantity that added to “half a number” gives the number? What do you add to 0,5 to make 1?

    The other half.

    So we go back to the original statement: “a number is 1 plus half that number” and change it to “a number is half that number plus half that number”.

    If you go back and forth between the two you may notice that one the one side there is “1” and on the other “half that number”.

    $1 is half the cost, what is the total cost?

    We leave the last step to the readers.