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How did it go?
Yes, it’s a thing that happens. It’s quite common for an over-qualified person to be bored, hard to work with, and just picking up a paycheck while they’re looking for different work. Hiring an employee is expensive. If you can’t keep them for a while and/or they’re not a good fit for the team then you can be better off just leaving the position vacant.
Worth noting and not crazy important for an entry level position. Double true if there are limited options available. Take the job, learn some skills (including how to work in a bad environment) and then look for and move on to better opportunities. Caveat: Just don’t take one of these roles with a place where it’s going to stereotype you and/or give you no transferable skills/knowledge.
Don’t try to bullshit your way through anything. It’s actually a strength to admit that you don’t know something. Bonus points if you can describe the resources you would use to learn the answer.
Almost a repeat of the first one, but slightly different. Don’t play buzzword bingo or you’ll sound like the 5th grader that just learned a new curse word and is showing it off on the playground. It’s fine to use the industry jargon in appropriate ways; just be sure you know them.
It’s an entry level position. The kind of skills and initiative they’re going to be looking for is the desire to learn, the ability to correct/improve documentation, understanding/following procedures, thoughtful suggestions for improvements, and having enough confidence and competence that they don’t have to babysit you constantly.
Networking / servers / security really covers a lot of ground and it leaves me wondering exactly what it is you’re saying you’d like to do. Give some thought about how this entry level position helps you build your skills on your path to your ultimate goal and how you’ll provide value along the way.
Yeah, I’m early gen-x and I only answer the phone if its a member of my immediate family and even then it’s 50/50. Capitalism ruins everything. Need to talk to me? Leave a message and I’ll decide if and when to call you back.
Why must it be color?
Probably wasn’t a good suggesting, anyway. Realistically, you need to talk to your parents. You can have an adult conversation with them about your and your partner’s wishes. If that ‘sours’ their attitude, then that is on them. Ultimately, your partner is more important than your parents so protect that relationship, first.
Move far away…
Yes, it should be fine for your use-case. More sensitive equipment would want/need a true sin wave.
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A Mormon service… the amount of brain-washing and misogyny was incredible…
I am sure they think ai can do the job better.
No, they are convinced that the church will do the job better. (Better defined as producing a more compliant and conservative work force.)
Better yet… just uninstall and never look back.
I don’t tip at hotels, ever.
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Thanks for sharing! (then go on and do it whatever way you prefer as long as you feel it’s equally correct and are willing to defend that if called in by your manager)
Many of the classrooms were old Army barracks buildings. The people of the county were notoriously cheap and wouldn’t ever pay for a new school until it literally started dropping chunks of plaster and cement in the classrooms. Yet, the basketball court was one of the best around.