Taco Bell’s caramel apple empanada and the double decker.
Oh wow, they have a version that doesn’t look like it was made for XP? Sucks that it’s buggy.
I hate all acronyms that aren’t defined.
You see it constantly in gaming communities. Ah, yes, the game “AC.” You know the one.
Assassin’s Creed? Animal Crossing? Armored Core? Ace Combat?
Fata Deum (not out yet) is a spiritual successor I’ve been keeping my eye on.
Actually not seeing that issue in Venmo. Are you looking in your transaction list?
I don’t get it. What’s happening here?
I know you mentioned audiobooks but what about some digital books? Personally, reading makes my eyes tired so I know that, for me, reading something would be a good way to provoke a nap.
As a response to the idea that you may get fatigued by passive media, a book may be a good balance to that. With movies, shows, and audiobooks, you’re going to be listening the whole time. It’s just constant noise. A book may be more meditative.
Which reminds me, this may be a good time to practice meditation.
Yes. Someone idly blocking a doorway isn’t aware of the space they’re occupying and how it may affect others.
Since it hasn’t been mentioned, Dudesy.
It’s Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen shittin around while an AI named Dudesy (trained by all their personal information, search histories, emails, social media accounts, etc.) produces the show.
There’s a solution nobody has mentioned yet, which is using an iMessage bridge application (allowing you to message iPhone users over iMessage). If you have a machine running MacOS, I just started using one called OpenBubbles that works great and, unlike other bridges (AirMessage or BlueBubbles), doesn’t require you to spin up and run a Mac as a server.
Alternatively, iOS 18 drops this month and has support for RCS, as some have mentioned. This is assuming you use Google Messages…